Winter is coming! Warmup Hivechess tournament this Friday!

in The Chess Communitylast year (edited)

Hi chess fans!

Winter is coming, not only the year´s season, but also the new Hivechess season (called "Winter"), so to shake off some of the rust and get back into fighting mode, this Friday at the usual time (20h GMT) we will play a fun Hivechess tournament!

OPEN TO ALL SKILL LEVELS. All you need is a free Lichess-account and to join our team (password is "Hive"). 30% of the rewards of this post go into the next season´s prize fund.

The winner will get 3 Hive right away stacked into his wallet, the runner-up 2 and the third 1.

ALL participants (which played at least 4 games) will be credited one point for the next season!

Mode: 3+2 (3 minutes per game, 2 sec. increment per move), 60 min. arena mode with no streaks.

Schach im Winter.jpg

made with Midjourney

Tournament Link:


image.pngCongratulations to winner @lucianosky and runner-up @rosmarly. This time it was exciting until the end, a few minutes before the close 3 players were tied for first place!

The prices were sent already!


Mention List

Potentially of interest to

(just let me know if you don´t want to get the mentions) @aakrist @abimbola753 @acidtiger @agreste @aiuna @amit.pangeni @artsbreezy01 @ajumaa @alberto0607 @albertocova @alexmag1988 @almightymelon @alpha @ambarvegas @anadello @andzhi @anli @anomadsoul @apy @arsenal49 @artistparthoroy @astrolabio @awesomeintrigue @b0s @behiver @beyondhorizonmm @bitsignal @biyimi @burnoutawesome @camiloferrua @cerati @chessbrotherspro @chesthetica @clixmoney @cryptogee @cryptoniusraptor @cryptoph0823 @cryptopi314 @ctrpch @dhilan04 @darruiz @diegofitness92 @digitalis @ebingo @eliaschess333 @elprofe62 @emeka4 @emerald09551 @eenriquerivas @elcholitosanto @engilhramn @eniolw @evgsk @fcastro177 @fiona777 @flaws @foxconnmars @franciscomarval @franu @gabotask @giacomone @gingerbyna @grafo07 @hannes-stoffel @heimindanger @heathbadger @hierro21 @hirohurl @hivetrader @iamchessguy @iammanythings1 @ibizaki @iceblue @iobates @ironshield @jaki01 @jesusmgl1995 @jesustiano @jkms @johannfrare @josesmoke @juanmi96 @justfavour @kaungsett8388 @kintokris @kreur @levitant @lighteye @lofone @lucianosky @maciejficek @marcusantoniu26 @mario89 @masterswatch @maverieux000 @mdasein @meedo @memess @mrsarri @mstafford @mundharmonika @mundocuriosidad @mypathtofire @nftland1989 @nikoszzz @oadissin @officialrosh1 @og-gamershub @olujay @omonomo @orlanzavala @oshiokhenhoya @pamboy27 @parung76 @perpz @petreius @philipp87 @pokerarema @pokermaria @pravesh0 @primersion @ptmaker @rafaelaquino @rafzat @ram9612 @razzor @renerondon @rexplanet @rheda @rodrook @ropavejero @rosmarly @salomijale @samostically @sanjamkapoors @sawko @schamangerbert @schnitte @soluce07 @solymi @spacetoon @steamloled @steemychicken1 @stranger27 @syndmitrij @the01crow @thedoc07 @therealflaws @timix648 @timofey @tin.aung.soe @tony1294 @tungphong @uliseshb @vaipraonde @vasigo @victorbch2 @vjap55 @volkiceper @walner @wegflexor @xoflox @yazp @yonnathang @zacherybinx @ziabutt3836

Start of the Hivechess season 17 "Winter" will be Friday, the 15th December! Mark it in your calendars!
Sorry for the delay, I am too busy around the 8th, so I need to postpone by a week!


If you like what I am doing, please vote for me as a witness ❤️


I am not a great chess player but it looks good that something like this is also running on the platform. I will see if i can reach out to someone who is a good chess player to invite him.

Great! Thanks a lot!

Ich habe gestern etwas auf instagram gefunden und dachte das wäre interessant für ihr Schach Projekt. Es ist echt schwer zu glauben, und ich kann auch nicht überprüfen ob das stimmt 😅

image_6487327 (1).JPG


Ja, habe mal davon gehört. Die Macht der exponentiellen Funktion. Wie die Geschichte mit dem Reiskorn und dem Schachbrett,

O waaw, sehr interessant die Geschichte mit dem Reis! Ich dachte so ähnlich wie der König. 😅🤦🏽‍♀️
Und ich finde den ursprünglichen Namen Caturanga sehr schön!

Wow, there will definitely be amazing prizes right 🙈🥰😋

Yes, in last season we had app. 670 Hive and 500 LEO in the prize pool!

Wow I really should check it out then🏃

Thank you for the notification. Looking forward to a tournament that is not played on Friday (this day I can't play) and gives a chance to win not only to players who has >2000 rating.

Thanks, for the second point I am planning already a solution...

Es tut mir jetzt leid das ich nie Schach spielen gelernt habe :)
Viel glück! 🍀

Das Bild ist gut geworden, aber ich vermisse die heißen Getränke. 😉

Wenn man sich zuviel von der dummen AI wünscht, bekommt man erst recht nichts Vernünftiges, zumindest geht es mir so 😃. Ich hätte mir auch neugierige Zuschauer rundherum gewünscht, aber keine Chance...

Beeindruckende Leistung einerseits, aber Gesichter und Hände, machen da wohl schnell Probleme. Es ist halt einfach künstlich und das sieht man eben. Wo war das Problem mit den Zuschauern?

Es wurden einfach keine erzeugt, keine Ahnung, warum nicht.

Kann es an den Angaben gelegen haben?

Good luck guys

One day i will participate in this contest.

Looking forward to it!

I thought winter was ended and the crypto summer is here?! lol

Snow chess-photo_2022-01-24_10-22-55.jpg

While searching for an adequate pic, I stumbled over this as well, it is great 😂

Gracias por la invitación, estoy estudiando para integrarme..

Good luck to those who took part in the tournament, and thank you for inviting us.

BEERHey @stayoutoftherz, here is a little bit of from @thehockeyfan-at for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on


You have obtained a vote from CHESS BROTHERS PROJECT

✅ Good job. Your post has been appreciated and has received support from CHESS BROTHERS ♔ 💪

♟ We invite you to use our hashtag #chessbrothers and learn more about us.

♟♟ You can also reach us on our Discord server and promote your posts there.

♟♟♟ Consider joining our curation trail so we work as a team and you get rewards automatically.

♞♟ Check out our @chessbrotherspro account to learn about the curation process carried out daily by our team.

🥇 If you want to earn profits with your HP delegation and support our project, we invite you to join the Master Investor plan. Here you can learn how to do it.



20h GMT means 20:00 UTC? If so, that is 5am Japan time, so I don't know if we can join that. But still, I love the idea so I will add it to my calendar. I'll go sign up to this lichess site. My son is still enjoying playing everyday, but maybe I should do more to motivate his interest, like doing small exercises or puzzles together. Playing together in a tournament might be just the thing!

Hi I just have a question. How can this be regulated by someone using AI? Thank you

Not sure, what you mean? You mean how it can be checked if someone is cheating in online chess? I once wrote a post about it:

Yes that is what I meant. Will read this one, thank you very much!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @stranger27 tipped @stayoutoftherz

Esa es la actitud de la plataforma...puro ajedrez..