This Friday is Hivechess fun time - join and win 5 Hive!

in The Chess Community7 months ago (edited)

Dear chess fans!

The next regular Hivechess tournament, season 19, will start on the 6th of Sep. Don´t miss out the action and mark the day red in your calendars 😁 to have a kick start in the standings!

To bridge the time until then, let´s play a last fun tournament!

This Friday, the 23th August, at the usual time there will be a Chess960 (=Fischer Random) tournament for all Hivers!

OPEN TO ALL SKILL LEVELS. You just need a (free) Lichess-account and to join our team (password is "Hive").

25% of the rewards of this post go into the next season´s prize fund!

The winner gets 5 Hive right away sent into his wallet, the runner-up 2 and the third still one Hive, besides EACH PARTICIPANT (min. 4 games played) again earns a precious point for the upcoming Hivechess season!

Mode: 2+2 (2 minutes per game, 2 sec. increment per move), 60 min. Chess960 arena

Tournament Link:


See you on Friday and good luck to all!

Mention List

Potentially of interest to:

(just let me know if you don´t want to get the mentions) @aakrist @abimbola753 @acidtiger @agreste @aiuna @amit.pangeni @artsbreezy01 @ajumaa @alberto0607 @alexmag1988 @almightymelon @ambarvegas @anadello @andzhi @anli @anomadsoul @apy @arsenal49 @artistparthoroy @astrolabio @awesomeintrigue @b0s @behiver @beyondhorizonmm @bitsignal @brijwhiz @burnoutawesome @camiloferrua @castm2 @cerati @chessbrotherspro @chesthetica @clixmoney @cryptogee @cryptoniusraptor @cryptoph0823 @ctrpch @dhilan04 @darruiz @diegofitness92 @digitalis @djbravo @dovycola @ebingo @eliaschess333 @elprofe62 @emeka4 @emerald09551 @eenriquerivas @elcholitosanto @engilhramn @eniolw @evgsk @fcastro177 @fiona777 @flaws @foxconnmars @franciscomarval @franu @gabotask @giacomone @gingerbyna @good-karma @grafo07 @hannes-stoffel @hierro21 @hirohurl @hivetrader @iamchessguy @iammanythings1 @ibizaki @idksamad78699 @iobates @ironshield @jaki01 @jesusmgl1995 @jesustiano @jkms @johannfrare @josesmoke @juanmi96 @justfavour @kaungsett8388 @kintokris @kreur @levitant @lighteye @lofone @lucianosky @maciejficek @maestroask @marcusantoniu26 @mario89 @masterswatch @maverieux000 @mdasein @meedo @memess @mrsarri @mstafford @mundharmonika @mundocuriosidad @mypathtofire @nftland1989 @nikoszzz @oadissin @odic3o1 @officialrosh1 @og-gamershub @olujay @omonomo @onthewayout @orlanzavala @oshiokhenhoya @pamboy27 @parung76 @perpz @petreius @philipp87 @phoennix09 @pokerarema @pokermaria @pravesh0 @precab @purapapita @rafaelaquino @ram9612 @razzor @reiseamateur @renerondon @rexplanet @rheda @rodrook @ropavejero @rosmarly @salomijale @samostically @sanjamkapoors @sawko @schamangerbert @schnitte @seki1 @soluce07 @solymi @spacetoon @stranger27 @syndmitrij @the01crow @thedoc07 @therealflaws @timix648 @timofey @tomasguitar @tony1294 @tungphong @uliseshb @vaipraonde @vasigo @victorbch2 @vjap55 @volkiceper @wagnertamanaha @walner @wegflexor @xoflox @yazp @yf95 @yonnathang @zacherybinx @ziabutt3836



I was lucky to win the tournament, closely followed by @fcastro177 and with @masterswatch as third! Congrats to All!



Thank you! I will participate for sure!

It happened 2 days ago.

I meant regular tournament in September. I simply didn't think my reply could be ambiguous

This sounds very interesting, would love to try...

then just do it!

Nice! Let's go!


I will renew our current lease with the same terms for 100 more days (or longer at your discretion) if you agree. It expires in 4 days. As a reminder it is
10000 HP leases for 2.47 hive per day.

OK, thanks!

Should be fun :)

Best of luck everyone.


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