well, if a reputable organization publishes statistics that show that 99% of bullet games are chess spam, then the tournament creators may stop tormenting beauty lovers
старая формация шахматных администраторов не поняла реформ Фишера: игроку необходимо время на ход, а не начало игры. Все эти 1,2,3+1,2,3 ничего не привносят в шахматы. Бюрократы просто оставили устаревшее и прибили к часам модную кукушку.
the old formation of chess administrators did not understand Fischer's reforms: the player needs time to move, not the start of the game. All these 1,2,3+1,2,3 add nothing to chess. The bureaucrats simply left the obsolete and nailed the fashionable cuckoo to the clock.
well, if a reputable organization publishes statistics that show that 99% of bullet games are chess spam, then the tournament creators may stop tormenting beauty lovers
At least we did 2+1 and not those crazy 1+0 or even 0,25 plus 0.
0+20 in Swiss?
But then games could take an hour and all others would have to wait.