Thanks a lot, but you don´t should have any coins on a CEX! Too fast things can go wrong nowadays and the coins are gone or withdrawals are suspended!
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Thanks a lot, but you don´t should have any coins on a CEX! Too fast things can go wrong nowadays and the coins are gone or withdrawals are suspended!
In a few days I'm going to withdraw most of my money from all CEXes and invest in Data Lake project.
It has IDO 7th December on Uniswap, I encourage You to read about it, this is the greatest blockchain project I have ever read about. I know You work in medical industry so it might interest You. website
Hmm, the concept is years old, but so far too complex to roll out in practice. Would be great if it works, but there are quite a lot of "ifs" needed in order to be successful.

E.g. you need a meaningful no. of patients, but also sites interested. And also the patients aren´t even in posession of their data, most of those medical data are on hospital servers. Then there is the problem of data privacy, and finally how many users are familiar with handling tokens on the Polygon chain? How many are able to setup wallets,...?
I have seen, it is partly a Polish project, but don´t get biased by that. It is very risky.
But the biggest alert flag for me is that the team is a bunch of handsome, prestigious people but probably with no experience on these data handling issues I mentioned, and finally have you seen the distribution of the LAKE token?
Highly centralized and most is for team and various incentives, for the patients only 7%?
I would advise to buy Bitcoin or Hive rather!
PS: The registration fee isn´t yet there. Normally it takes 10 sec, please recheck urgently!
Okay, so I can explains to some of Your concerns:
Is 20% too much for the team? I cannot answer that question. But it seems like the project is hiring people who are believing in it, not the ones who only want to earn a lot of money.
Well, I have warned you.
The Polish market is for sure not big enough for an international pharma company to use that data. Without a global reach this project won´t attract global companies.
BTW, I still don´t have the registration fee. Please send it ASAP!
Sorry, something went wrong with the first withdrawal. Now i withdrew to my acc and sent to You and it is visible already.
The project is not bounded to Polish market :). On last AMA they said they have already advanced talks with hospitals in Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, and a few more countries. It is global project. For non-Europe countries they will probably need more time due to law and other formal stuff, but they want to be worldwide.