Hivechess Season 18 is starting this Friday!

in The Chess Community11 months ago (edited)

Dear chess fans!

Finally S18 has arrived! But as always first let´s talk a little about the past season.

The prizes from Season 17 were in the meantime sent to the players.
In total 616 Hive, currently worth app. 193$ (last season it was 667 Hive, worth app. 230$ back then) have accumulated in the @chesspricepool account and were distributed among the 21 qualified participants. But not the whole sum. As suggested (and agreed by the majority of respondents), a part of the pool was converted to HBD. I thought 20% was a good compromise.


I got 50,61 HBD for the 123,2 Hive and put them into the savings, in order to generate a regular, automatically increasing add-on to the prizes of the upcoming seasons!

Thanks a lot to all the upvoters and supporters!

As always, this account will now be powered down to cover the expenses (as I have paid out the prizes already out of my pocket) and the other one, @badge-646464 will be used to accrue the prizes for S18 (but the HBD savings will permanently reside on @chesspricepool).

🏆 Payout table of Season 17 🏆

Tournament 1 (0-1499)
RankHive nameLichess nameRatingRounds playedPointsPrice (Hive)
Tournament 2 (1500-1799)
RankHive nameLichess nameRatingRounds playedPointsPrice (Hive)
Tournament 3 (1800-2099)
RankHive nameLichess nameRatingRounds playedPointsPrice (Hive)
Tournament 4 (>2099)
RankHive nameLichess nameRatingRounds playedPointsPerformance

Quite a mixup in the prizes compared to the past - that was part of the idea of the 4 skill groups.

In addition, 50 LEO each were sent to these players as an incentive for having participated in at least 8 rounds, sponsored by @leofinance. Thanks a lot!!


The Hivechess Hall of Fame

is located here as a post collection (and includes ALL chess tournaments on Hive):
Select "View as post" in order to see it in a better way!



About Season 18

After the break and the 3 fun tournaments Season 18 will start this Friday, the 19th April, 19h GMT (at the usual time)! It will go over 10 rounds, again grouped in skill groups based on Blitz rating.

Of note, if I don´t know the Hive user name belonging to your lichess name (let me know in the comments here), you can play but your result won´t be counted!

The percentage of post rewards feeding the prize pool is again 65% and as mentioned the @badge-646464 account will be used to accrue the rewards. It is preloaded already with 34 Hive from the fun tournaments, in HBD savings there are 66 HBD in the meantime!

What is different is the grouping thresholds. This time there will be separate prize pools for players rated <1400, <1750, <2100 and for players 2100 and above. The change is based on the number of players in the groups in season 17. Far more were in the 0-1499 group than in the others.
Rating means the average rating over the whole season, i.e. players can change tiers if their (Blitz) rating changes!

So in effect, we have 4 tournaments with 4 winners of these rating tiers:
Tournament 1: 0-1399
Tournament 2: 1400-1750
Tournament 3: 1750-2099
Tournament 4: 2100 and above

The size of the prize pools will again depend on how many players will end up in those groups. To be more exact, how many will be qualifying for prizes, because it doesn´t matter if e.g. 10 players are in a table who played only once. In this season you need to play 6 out of 10 rounds to earn a prize, to incentivize regular players over occasional ones.

Again I encourage any tournament or streaming report to set @badge-646464 as 5 or 10% beneficiary to beef up the season rewards!

Round 1

Time Mode: 5+0 (5 minutes per game, no increment), 70 min. arena

Tournament Link:



  • All players are welcome, also newbies, you just need a free Lichess-account and join our team in Lichess here (password is "Hive")!
  • Every Friday is one round.
  • Time mode is varying (5+0, 3+2, 2+1,...), sometimes Swiss, sometimes maybe Chess960 (Fischer Random).
  • The winner of each round gets the number of points equaling the number of players in that round, the second ranked one point less and so forth until the one on the bottom of the table who gets one point (i.e. the Lighteye-scoring). In order to be counted, at least 3 games must have been played.
  • In case two players have the same number of points, the one who played less rounds is first. If that is equal too, then the average tournament performance decides.
  • PAYOUT: The tournament points of the 10 rounds are summed up. 65% of all Hivechess-related post rewards go to the prize pool (PP). Each of the 4 rating-tiered tournament winners will get "x" Hive (at least 20), the runner-up "y" and the third "z" Hive (depending on the no. of players in each group). The rest of the PP is divided among all other players according to the number of tournament points achieved (75%) and the number of rounds played (25%). In order to qualify for a prize you have to participate in at least six of the 10 rounds!
  • There will be a special prize of 5 Hive for the player with the highest tournament performance in relation to his rating.
  • 500 LEO will be again sponsored by @leofinance, details to be determined
  • If I don´t know your Hive username, you won´t be considered for prizes, so please let me know your Hive name in the comments! Community or badge accounts can participate but are not qualified for rewards! Only individuals can get prizes.

Please share this announcement among your (chess) friends and colleagues!
The more participate, the more fun! And maybe some are even interested to join Hive and it´s Chess Community?

See you all on Friday and good luck!

Mention List

Potentially of interest to:

(just let me know if you don´t want to get the mentions) @aakrist @abimbola753 @acidtiger @agreste @aiuna @amit.pangeni @artsbreezy01 @ajumaa @alberto0607 @alexmag1988 @almightymelon @alpha @ambarvegas @anadello @andzhi @anli @anomadsoul @apy @arsenal49 @artistparthoroy @astrolabio @awesomeintrigue @b0s @behiver @beyondhorizonmm @bitsignal @brijwhiz @burnoutawesome @camiloferrua @cerati @chessbrotherspro @chesthetica @clixmoney @cryptogee @cryptoniusraptor @cryptoph0823 @cryptopi314 @ctrpch @dhilan04 @darruiz @diegofitness92 @digitalis @djbravo @ebingo @eliaschess333 @elprofe62 @emeka4 @emerald09551 @eenriquerivas @elcholitosanto @engilhramn @eniolw @evgsk @fcastro177 @fiona777 @flaws @foxconnmars @franciscomarval @franu @gabotask @giacomone @gingerbyna @grafo07 @hannes-stoffel @heimindanger @heathbadger @hierro21 @hirohurl @hivetrader @iamchessguy @iammanythings1 @ibizaki @iceblue @idksamad78699 @iobates @ironshield @jaki01 @jesusmgl1995 @jesustiano @jkms @johannfrare @josesmoke @juanmi96 @justfavour @kaungsett8388 @kintokris @kreur @levitant @lighteye @lofone @lucianosky @maciejficek @maestroask @marcusantoniu26 @mario89 @masterswatch @maverieux000 @mdasein @meedo @memess @mrsarri @mstafford @mundharmonika @mundocuriosidad @mypathtofire @nftland1989 @nikoszzz @oadissin @odic3o1 @officialrosh1 @og-gamershub @olujay @omonomo @onthewayout @orlanzavala @oshiokhenhoya @pamboy27 @parung76 @perpz @petreius @philipp87 @pokerarema @pokermaria @pravesh0 @precab @purapapita @rafaelaquino @ram9612 @razzor @renerondon @rexplanet @rheda @rodrook @ropavejero @rosmarly @salomijale @samostically @sanjamkapoors @sawko @schamangerbert @schnitte @soluce07 @solymi @spacetoon @steamloled @steemychicken1 @stranger27 @syndmitrij @the01crow @thedoc07 @therealflaws @timix648 @timofey @tony1294 @tungphong @uliseshb @vaipraonde @vasigo @victorbch2 @vjap55 @volkiceper @walner @wegflexor @xoflox @yazp @yf95 @yonnathang @zacherybinx @ziabutt3836


Who will win the Candidates Tournament? 4 rounds to go, and 5 players are only half a point apart!
Any guess?



If you like what I am doing, please vote for me as a witness ❤️


Oh too bad, I can't join this Friday because of vacation. Appreciate what you're doing for chess. It's one of my hobbies I'm passionate about. I have joined past events and it's fun playing and finding a chess community here on Hive!

No worries, the season goes over 10 rounds :)

Congrats to all Season 17 Winners...
Not playing well right now but I am sure I am going to have strong season :).

Hope the tournament have many players this season, OLD & NEW...

Greetings. I am very happy to see all that has been achieved with chess here in HIVE, especially your effort to organize the tournaments. I think I can participate this Friday, it is a little complicated for me that I am now in Bogota Colombia, after I migrated from Venezuela, but I will do my best. I am looking forward to participate. Happy day to you

Thanks! I too look forward to have you there on Friday!

Can't believe I wasn't following your account, to be fair I was offline for a while....but seriously 🤣🤣🤣 can't believe this.....
Anyway I'm back and this time I will beat you I will lose again 🤣🤣🤣@stayoutofherz

Great, looking forward to it. It has been a while indeed 😃
Though you had played in one of the fun tournaments recently and even won a prize!

I will try to join if and whenever I can. The usual time is so against

I am supporting Pragg in the candidates, let's see what happens in the upcoming rounds!

You could run your own local Hivechess tournament. It is not that difficult :)

Hello, I am new to this community, I didn't know there was a chess community even though I have been on the platform for a little more than a year.
I like chess although I don't play it constantly. I hope to be accepted here by you, where undoubtedly you will also be a teaching and experience in chess.

You are of course more than welcome, please join also our lichess team in order to play in our tournaments!
No, I don´t teach chess, I am not that good, but for the basics you can use lichess or

Omg I badly wanna join, it's free right?

sure, totally free.
I suggest to do some trainings games, so that you are aware about how it works, e.g. once you got assigned to an opponent you have to make a move within 20s, otherwise you forfeit the game. Also don´t forget to join the tournament and be there once it starts.

Congratulations 🎉👏 to the winners of season 17. I wish I really knew how to play chess, I would have loved to participate.

Congratulations 👍 👍 !PGM


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @thehockeyfan-at tipped @stayoutoftherz

Many many congratulations to the winners.

It's very exciting game and new season is about to start. I wish best of luck to all who work hard on this game.