100th game and Round Seven of S19

in The Chess Community5 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone.
Last round of Hive Chess tournament was Chess960 and it was quite entertaining.
I managed to finish 4th.
Congrats to the @dhilan04, @rosmarly and @yinjuolu on the first three places.

It was 18 games of middle games from the beginning.
Mode was 3 + 1 so berserking was choice of play. 17 out of 18 games via Berserk was more then enough to have blunderful chess games.
I think 18 games was most to play in this round.

So there was possibility that we could play our 100th game this round. And that is what happened (I was not sure will chess960 count in games played but it does).So lets start with first game against @stayoutoftherz . Before this round we played Swiss mode and while checking scores against players I noticed that me and @stayoutoftherz played 99 games against each other at this point. Score was 11 and half to 87 and half for @stayoutoftherz.

At some point of the game trades started and it board was clear in several moves.
On the end with some knight jumps and pawn help position opened up and the moves were there.

So our 100th game ended in my win. Just to improve a bit our score. Worth mentioning is that we played one more game this tournament and I lost of course.
I think in Hive Chess community I played most games with Herbyw - 187 games. @stayoutoftherz queen was lurking to checkmate but I had just enough checks to continue.

Until the next round.

Second game I would like to show was with @samostically .

Always nice to have win against such a strong player.Interesting game. I had clear goal after @samostically castled where to go. On the end his King took a bit walk and game ended.We both berserk and he was better but some blunders ended the game earlier. I lost First game against @samostically in this round.

In this game in order to open up position the rook was given away. And position opened up around king so checkmate was there. In the end pawn move was helpful.
This game was somehow smooth as moves toward end were easy to spot.Third game I wont to show you was against @rosmarly who finished second this round. We played two games this round and I lost first game.

One more round of Chess960 before S19 ends would not be bad.


blunder while posting
added beneficiary @chesspricepool but did not check it and guess what it is not added


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