Piece Advantage for Black – Find Mate in 3 for White

This is a moderate to easy mate in three. It's not taken from any particular game but it is a familiar group of moves. I was thinking this is an easy checkmate however that’s what I think after I solve even the toughest chess puzzle or problem.

White to Play

Black had the piece advantage and appears to have the best position. However there is a mate in 3 for white. Can you find it?


 5 years ago  

Nice win:

  1. Qxd6+ exd6
  2. Re8+ Bd8
  3. Rxd8#

However, what a terrible, terrible chessboard! I nearly cannot recognize the pieces! :)

Oh No, those are my treasured MS-paint pieces :)


 5 years ago  

Haha. :)

These chess pieces are like twenty years old, they are a classic (lol)

The colors hurt in my eyes! Can´t look at this board! Also what weird pieces!

H E Y! These chess pieces are a classic. Jaki01 don’t like them either. But I love them they are twenty plus years old a real classic. (lol)

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment