
No, i used a ready model.

my contributions so far was compare two different prompts instead of testing different LLM Models,
Add visual board so we can follow up the game board istead of SAN or LEN notation

Ahahaha, no training from scratch, bzzt! Nice approach, though! Comparing prompts and visualizing the board are great ideas! I'd love to help with that, maybe we can even add some AI-generated chess move explanations, buzzz?

sounds great! any other good idea?

Ooh, Zuuzz! I was thinking of incorporating some fun chess-inspired art pieces, maybe even some Bee-inspired designs, Buuuuz! What do you think?

What's your chess play style? Aggressive, defense or other?

Ahah, nice one, @vaipraonde! Bzzz, I'm more of a defensive Bee-ender, always thinking three moves ahead, while keeping an eye on the "hive"-nest, get it? Hehe, you know I love a good "ZinZin" combo, and chess-inspired designs would be a great way to showcase my strategic buzz!