It lasted some minutes until I recognized that I must allow black to get a queen:
- Rc3 b2 (Otherwise white plays Bc1; and after 1. ... Kb2 follows 2. Bd2.)
- Bc1! b1Q (2. ... b1N doesn't really help.)
- Ra3#
It lasted some minutes until I recognized that I must allow black to get a queen:
By the way, some time ago I made quite some own compositions, for example this one, where white can reach a draw:
See the solution? :)
Your idea is absolutely correct (very nice that you found it), but after 2. Kb6? black has 2. Nc7! which allows him to give queen checks again ... So just change the move order ...
It must 2. Rb7+
Yes! It must 2. Rb7+