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RE: Chess problem 83 / Schachaufgabe 83

in The Chess Community6 months ago

OK, @dhilan04, @iamchessguy, @iobates, @rafaelaquino, @vjap55, @samostically, @rodrook ... are you all not able to solve this current chess problem? Come on and show me that chess is more than just blitz but also art and science! :-)


I tried it but gave up after some minutes. 😅

 6 months ago  

Sooo fast? Where has your fighting spirit gone? ;-)

Thinking of Rxh2 fxe3 Qh4 but seems White can defend with g3.

Maybe Rxe1 first...

 6 months ago  

Thinking of Rxh2 fxe3 Qh4 but seems White can defend with g3.

Exactly: 3. g3 saves the day for white.

Maybe Rxe1 first...

  1. ... Rxe1 2. Rxe1, and then ...?

Rxh2 but Kf1 escapes 😔


Maybe Rc3 should be explored as suggested above.

 6 months ago  

I will post the solution very soon!

However I will remind you that my record in puzzle solution is 0 solutions out of many attempts :).@jaki01, unfortunate I didn’t see this puzzle in enough time to attempt a solution…

Greetings. I arrived a little late, I'm sure that for the next one I will participate. I think it was very difficult for my knowledge, but it allows me to learn more every day and to strive and improve my game. Happy day to you

 6 months ago  

I arrived a little late ...

No problem!

If interested, you might check the solution of the puzzle though which you find in the comment section, directly below the post.