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RE: Improving Your Chess | Workshop #08

in The Chess Community3 years ago


I think this one is by Fischer, the old blunder in the Dragon. It goes by 1. e5, with the idea of Bxf7, then Ne6, then Qd5 and the king is fried outside the pawn chain.

You said it. It would be Rg8 to improve the rook and then double down there. Rf8 right away meets ...Nd7! That's the hope Black has.

Well, as you point out with the arrows, Rxb3 seems like a strong resource. I think White is lost. The rook invades and picks up the weak pawns behind. Passivity is not going to help White but active play shouldn't help either.

Nice work.


Perfect! You got them right! Having them in the back of your mind really helps, especially in blitz or during time-pressure :)
Thanks for taking your time to write.
p.s drew those arrows as hints -- for starters.

p.s drew those arrows as hints -- for starters.

I thought you added them to these positions to make them look like "trial puzzles", LOL.