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RE: War Story - Humanitarian aid by Voedselbank for Ukrainians in Netherlands | Good and Bad News

in Life Stories2 years ago

I wish you find a place to be more stable without moving constantly, I am not in your situation but as a Venezuelan immigrant in another country I know how hard it is to start from scratch after having everything in your home

You are already feeling the pain and understanding the struggle. This is a lot to me because many people don't even understand what is war and how this can destroy a normal people's life. This is a bad, messy moment in life and it will take a lot of time to recover. My biggest concern is my dog, she doesn't like constant moving and she got stressed out easily after all of this. But, this is what it is, I don't have any other choice...

Life is not always negative, we learn to live and try to motivate ourselves every day. I am trying to keep my emotions away and not feel so bad, in fact, I am learning to appreciate the present life. Hopefully, the future will be better...

Thanks a lot my dear for such thoughtful words.. Huggss...


I am learning to appreciate the present life.

I celebrate that, live in the present my friend, with all that it holds for you. You are also a great friend to Gigi, hug her constantly to reassure her, she is a lucky dog to have you, I can imagine how anxious she is because you both have had to go through many changes and adaptations that don't quite materialize and keep moving and changing places, that affects humans but pets too. I get your hugs and send hugs back to you and Gigi, I am a dog lover and she is a good girl very pretty and brave like you.

Thank you so much my friend and Gigi says hi to you. She jumps around and sometimes greets people in a very unique way that makes people laugh. She has received a lot of love from people, she can easily make anyone happy.

I hope we both find a suitable place to live, I am really tired of moving from here to there.

I happily receive Gigi's greeting, it's like I'm watching her jump, she has won the hearts of many around here at Hive. You will find a good place to live, you will, many are praying for you and Gigi, for you deserve to rest. Forgive my delay, in attending your words that make me feel good, because they are a proof that you are well. Maybe you won't believe it but I appreciate you, you earned my respect and admiration since some visits in publications about architecture. You are a great girl.