This few month had been very busy, rest and overtime working for a few weeks, but I do tried to draw a little here and there. I did some practice that doesn't require too much brain power, and here is one of the practice I did.
Here is the reference picture from Pinterest.

Base colour and some saturated colours


End result! I do tried to be loose in this painting as I wanted to force myself to focus more on the form and the overall lights, be accurate more then caring about the detailing. So that I will not carried away and spend too much time.
Thank you for reading!
Hope you have a nice day! ❤️
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The folds on the short is perfect. Weldone
Thank you!
Omg I love those fingers! The looseness really makes it so much more interesting and you can tell you spent a lot of time to get to that level. I am not able to do that myself and I get carried away by the details haha it’s so hard to do. Even without a lot of details I can already tell you’re really skillful at establishing those light and forms.
Thank you for the compliments!
Hahaha yes, it's really easy to get carried away by the details
I love it, the anatomical finish that was given to the painting, it looks so natural and with the use of lights and colors, it complements the work very well.
Thank you so much!