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RE: Is it a bird? An angel perhaps?

in OnChainArtlast year

I take an indefinite amount of time sharpening already sharp pencils

This line got me thinking out loud. Have you ever drawn on a live show or something of that sort? If yes, How did you get the instant motivation/muse?.

I loved this piece very much too. I wonder if there's any piece of yours that I don't like so much😅. You did a very detailed and unique job as usual.


I actually enjoy quick sketches 'from nature', but I am not particularly good at it. I am really bad with pressure of time to be honest.

Plus, since pandemic I haven't really been anywhere. In my old job though, I had to take a long rides by train to work and back, and I would sketch people there. Apart from reading the books that was my favourite thing during those trips. People, especially in the morning, are deep in their thoughts, they looking through the windows with longing eyes, they sleep with their head back and mouths opened. I really loved that! Not sure if this is the mater of motivation or finding the muse. It is pure curiosity I guess. I like watching people, trying to find out what they have in their head, how their day is going. Creepy a bit, I know 😀

But to draw body moving, not sure I could manage:) and I don't think I would just not 'be in the moment' and just watch actors, dancers. I love theatre, opera and so on, and I think this is the only time I can just sit and watch for hours. TV shows - I cannot stand episodes longer than 15 minutes :D

Always grateful to see you around!

I am really bad with pressure of time to be honest.

I'm sorry about that. It skipped my mind that pressure and some artist don't work well. I personally like artworks that time has been put into. One could see the intrinsic and extrinsic features properly and get the appreciate the artwork better.

I like watching people, trying to find out what they have in their head,

You're very inquisitive I must say, and that's an amazing trait. A superpower like that of professor X (reading minds) would suite you best 😃

You're very inquisitive I must say, and that's an amazing trait. A superpower like that of professor X (reading minds) would suite you best.

Love whole X-men genre btw :) but to read actual people thoughts? Sounds horrible and intrusive to be fair. But dog's minds? That would be cool!
I really liked you 'shapeshifter' piece :) I would love to morph and change at will!

But dog's minds? That would be cool

Yes yes. I agree with you.

I really liked you 'shapeshifter' piece :) I would love to morph and change at will!

Being able to change at will Sounds cool right😅. If only😅