¿Cuánto tiempo no ha pasado desde la última vez que dije: "Este será mi año, esté sí será mi año"?
"Me enfocaré, me esforzaré y daré lo mejor de mí para al fin encaminarme en mi camino, en mi sueño de ser quién quiero ser." y a su vez, he perdido la motivación luego de pocas semanas.
Pues dichosamente siento desde lo más profundo que esté, si lo será.
How long has it been since the last time I said: "This will be my year, this will be my year. I will focus, I will do my best and I will do my best to finally get on my way, in my dream of being who want to be." and in turn I have lost motivation after a few weeks. Well, happily I feel from the depths that it is, if it will be.

Desde siempre me ha apasionado el arte y sus ramas, y ya son como 4 años desde que compre mi primer kit de tatuaje. Sí, se que son unos cuantos años como para ya tener experiencia en ello, pero mi falta de motivación, mi poca constancia ha hecho que no progrese y me mantuve estancada por mucho tiempo, por falta de práctica. Sin embargo, siempre he tenido personas que me apoyen en este camino y me dan la confianza suficiente para marcarlos de por vida con mi arte, no saben lo mucho que los aprecio y lo agradecida que estoy por ello, en serio, gracias!
I have always been passionate about art and its branches, and it's been like 4 years since I bought my first tattoo kit. Yes, I know it's been a few years to already have experience in it, but my lack of motivation, my lack of perseverance has made me not progress and I remained stagnant for a long time, due to lack of practice. However, I have always had people who support me on this path and give me enough confidence to mark them for life with my art, they do not know how much I appreciate them and how grateful I am for it, seriously, thank you!
Así que hoy quiero compartir con ustedes mis primeros tatuajitos de este año, que promete ser el año. ✨
So today I want to share with you my first tattoos of this year, which promises to be the year. ✨
I hope from the depths of my heart that this motivation and enthusiasm that I feel today will last me for a long time and that you can be part of this path that I want to travel. Thank you very much for reading, see you in the next one 💜

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Thanks! (;
I feel you about the motivation being gone after a few weeks! It's so hard to maintain that level of energy so it's so important to constantly repeat it to yourself haha. Yes this is your year and don't forget that :D