They do not spring forth whole into the world. They form slowly, rolled between the hands of time until their edges smooth, until the saying of the story gives enough weight to the words—to the memories—to keep them rolling on their own.”
― V.E. Schwab, A Conjuring of Light
October 2018 I published about a panel I contributed to the at that time untitled Antipodes Project ANTIPODES 2 - ALIEN CLUSTER. Since then the project got finished. So here I present the finished panel. A lot of work went into this project that sat idle for a long time.
Artists who contributed include:
Maura Holden (USA)
Kris Kuksi (USA)
Jon Beinart (Australia)
Kuba Ambrose (Australia)
Gill Perry (USA)
Rodney Gee (South Africa)
Jeen Yainderidoo (The Netherlands)
Ryan Thornburg (USA)
Chloe Marsters (New Zealand)
Durga (Indonesia)
Marnie Pitts (UK)
Sal Hunter (UK)
Rens Ink (USA)
Marcel Bakker (The Netherlands)
Ben Tolman (USA)
Danielle Caners (Canada)
Zachary Nolin (USA)
Matthew Sergison-main (UK)
Janelle McKain (USA)
Hector Pineda (Mexico)
Richard A. Kirk
Joe MacGown (USA)
Alexander Bostic
Otto Rapp (Austria)
Paulo Cunha (Canada)
Sunita Fisic (Bosnia)
Danielle Caners (Canada)
Chayung Saigon
Pizo Meyer
Andreas Litwas
Danielle Caners with the finished panel ►
Originally conceptualized by Ben Tolman, this panel was turned over to Danielle Caners to coordinate the completion.
It was not an easy task, because Danielle had ideas that went beyond just finishing the panel, but she wanted to also publish a book about it. She was able to get a publisher for it, but needed the copyright release of all the artists to proceed with this - trying to get in touch with all the artists was not easy after all these years. I was able to help her with getting contacts to artists from my private network (finally done, the publishing will hopefully proceed).
I had already linked to the previous post of mine about my contribution to this project, but here it is again (see if you can spot it in the large picture):
On my website, you can check this ANTIPODES project and its progressions of the various panels.
When I first published about it, it was on Steemit, but just today I called these posts up and updated them to link to PeakD: ANTIPODES PROJECT, next came KILROY WAS HERE - THE ANTIPODES PROJECT REVISITED - and finally ANTIPODES 2 - ALIEN CLUSTER.
It may take a little time to load, but Ben Tolman had uploaded the large panel in high resolution on his website - right-click the banner image below to open:

make sure to right-click to open the large high-res view in a separate window - it takes time to load
Visit my website


If you find this useful, please repost!
beautiful artwork! 👍
Awesome commitment! Right up my alley, bless.