Good Day Felllas,

The mother and child subject is one that is very common amongst African artists and I've even heard some artist say they might never make attempt on it since it's been flooded in some type of way. Well, I was walk through the market one day when I saw this woman with her baby on her back and a sack on her head trying to buy something from a petty trader, to me the view was so fascinating and I just had to take a snap and eventually the snap birthed the painting above.
What do you think of the painting and the subject "Mother and Child"?

Kindly share your thoughts as comments below, I'll be glad to read and reply them all. Thanks.
Wow..this is quite a beautiful piece. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for the encouraging comment.
Beautiful work please what is the size of this work and what camera did you use, the final shot looks really great.
It's 15 x 9 inches
Shot with an IPhone X.
Thank you for the warm comment.
Wow the image is so clear. Great work 👍
Thank you.
Beautiful art work
Thank you very much.