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RE: Work tittle: Princess- Detail the crown

in OnChainArt5 years ago (edited)

Open the posts one by one, look at the content, the paintings, see the progress. all of them.

Back in the day, the Dlive platform (and Vimm) worked that way- Every time when you start a broadcasting stream it automatically created a blogpost on your Steem profile (Probably is the same now for vimm). Open the posts and see what's in them. (every time when I stream, I specifically say what I'm going to work on, and showing what was the progress made the last stream).
I spend a lot of time working on my paintings, this is the content of the posts.

This post was when Hive introduced the Communities> I wrote the post in the community Copy-pasted it in on my page, (the same mistake as now- reversed) then a friend of mine showed me that there's a cross-post tool.