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RE: 'All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace Nativity - sand sculpture

in OnChainArtlast year

I've recently read short book by I. McEvan 'Machine like me'. It has been my first thought when I saw your marvelous creation. When machine becomes enough human? What's is enough?

How many people worked with you? It looks not absolutely massive. I see it needed solid framework.

Very interesting piece, in a way seem to be ahead of it's time, isn't it?

 last year  

I must check that book out. Thank you for the suggestion.

I think 7 people were working on this project each of us had to do a separate section like the Three Kings, the Angels, the Shepherds etc. The wooden forms are just to compact the sand into solid blocks and then removed leaving the whole structure just sand.

This was made in 2017 and even at that time AI was only a dream. now we are putting chips in people's heads, able to reprogram DNA and Robotic technology has become scaringly good.

Thank you

That's very interesting, was wondering how you could keep such a mass of sand from disperse all over the place. Thank you for explanation:)

7 people? Can't imagine that. Vision must have been very clear then. Would do start from making a sketch or something?