Purging 1

in OnChainArt2 years ago

For me painting is a constant purge. I have an open series called that way, Purge, since for me every real creative act, in my doing of course, implies a deep cleansing, an internal movement of emotions that have to come out, that really need to come to light (I call it purge, or even vomiting). Lately I have been feeling pretty bad. It seems that my body turns against me and starts reacting in a rebellious way to anything that minimally affects it from the outside world, and from the decisions I make for my life that involve some risk. It is quite annoying as it influences my day to day life quite radically, even preventing me from doing some things. Since, obviously, my moods are affected as well. I know that there are extreme situations in some people. I can't complain because I know it can always be worse. But how direct is the reaction!!! It's awesome. I think I've already written it but right now I don't know whether to admire my body and how it works so millimetrically, or to hate it and think.... why????
Well, that. This painting has no title, but it could easily be called "Purge" like several others I have that are called that, or similar. It is very small. The truth is that I didn't have much faith in it when I started it. That's why it was left there, badly painted in my opinion, a bit gathering dust. But it has taken more value with time, I plan to paint it again in a slightly larger format. Yes, I think I will, I think it's worth it. Let's see what other things it mobilizes after a few years away (it's from 2019 if I remember correctly).
That's it, in my language I would say "Cortito y al pie". I won't even try to translate it because it wouldn't be understood haha.

  • Para mí la pintura es una purga constante. Tengo una serie abierta llamada de ese modo, Purga, ya que para mí todo acto creativo real, en mi hacer por supuesto, implica una limpieza profunda, un movimiento interno de emociones que tienen que salir, que realmente tienen la necesidad de salir a la luz (la llamo purga, o incluso vómito). Últimamente me he sentido bastante mal. Pareciera que mi cuerpo se pone en mi contra y empieza a reaccionar de manera rebelde a cualquier cosa que mínimamente lo afecta del mundo exterior, y de las decisiones que tomo para mi vida que implican algo de riesgo. Es bastante molesto ya que influye en el día a día de mi vida de manera bastante radical, incluso impidiéndome hacer algunas cosas. Ya que, obviamente, mis ánimos se afectan también. Sé que existen situaciones extremas en algunas personas. No puedo quejarme porque sé que puede ser siempre peor. ¡Pero cuán directa es la reacción!! Es impresionante. Creo que ya lo he escrito pero en estos momentos no sé si admirar a mi cuerpo y su funcionamiento tan milimétrico, o si odiarlo y pensar…. ¿por qué???
    Bueno, eso. Esta pintura no tiene título, pero tranquilamente podría llamarse “Purga” como varias otras que tengo que se llaman así, o similar. Es muy pequeña. La verdad es que no le tenía mucha fe cuando la comencé. Por eso quedó allí, mal pintada a mi parecer, un poco juntando polvo. Pero ha tomado más valor con el tiempo, planeo volver a pintarla en un formato un poco más grande. Si si, creo que lo haré, creo que vale la pena. A ver qué otras cosas moviliza después de unos años de distancia (es del año 2019 si mal recuerdo).
    Eso es todo, en mi idioma diría “Cortito y al pie”. Ni siquiera intentaré traducirlo porque no se entendería jaja

sin título, purga.jpg


I am glad you decided to post this one, it actually deserves recognition, and definitely big format too! All your works seem to be extremely intimate, but I think here the perspective make a huge difference - I nearly feel if I reach with my hand I could touch you.

'Purge' seem to be very accurate term, not only for your art, but I guess - any art that requires to rip part of ourselves in order of inner-peace.

Great piece, as always!

Thank you! :) Yes, I think Purge could go with the work of many artists, those who more or less live it as I do. There are others who use it differently, and that's fine. Each one "uses" art according to his needs. There are as many ways of expressing oneself as there are people in the world :)
I never thought of the perspective thing, and you might be right! Like how the gaze is almost on the body, feeling the breath... interesting point of view 😊

Totally agree here, one 'use' art as one need. Can help to cleanse, as you pointed out in your article, and it can help to explore certain ideas or even problems.

What is most remarkable to me, is how great the difference is between what the artist sees when creating, and what the viewer who admires the art sees.
It gives huge opportunity for dialog :)

I think we just became best friends