The Spider also looks so completely badass. Good thing I can have similar opinions on several things simultaneously otherwise I'd be too busy trying to figure out whether or not this is cooler than The Wolf XD
I started editing in my head while reading and then thought to edit in the comment but realised the comment would then be longer than the post, so if you ever want editing done just ask me on Discord. Or don't if you don't want to XD I'm glad you had fun with the story and that you added it in, was a fun little read, definitely keep adding stories to your pics if you have any to add :D

Thanks a lot, Ry! I hope you won't be (secretly) disappointed with yours later. I said secretly because I'm sure you're too kind to say that haha.
I knew before it was posted that there must be rooms for improvements still, despite my hundreds attempts at re-reading and re-writing it. But a whole post long of mistakes? God that is so embarrassing XD
I will not be disappointed secretly or otherwise!
It's not a whole post of mistakes XD I picked up a few things that I would have made suggestions for if you'd wanted them, nothing really major, didn't detract anything XD