 last year  

I'm good :D Been mostly learning to make tasty plant based meals this year. How have you been?

Glad you've been preoccupied with good things :D

I've been hectic XD I don't know if I told you before that I started a new job this year, originally I just did it to help out a friend but ended up enjoying it more than I thought i would, though it does take up a lot of time (not the job itself, just the prep work). And reminded me of how bad I am at time management x_x

And yeh it's just felt really busy this year with the addition of that one thing.

 last year  

Happy holidays! :D

That's awesome, yeah time management is difficult but it definitely gets better with time or at least less overwhelming haha

I don't have the right kind of brain for it so it never gets easier for me XD yay for being less overwhelming!