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RE: Tree of Life- Art Process

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Trying out new organizational systems and it's somewhat working, but can still get chaotic.

It's a lot easier if you only have yourself to work around. The second you have to factor in someone else (partner, children, anyone else particularly close that you depend on or they depend on you for something or other), your routine is eventually going to get thrown XD

That is a very pretty tree, and a very pretty looking path leading up to it. Love all the shapes in the surrounding walls(?).

Been okay and just busy?

 3 years ago  

The second you have to factor in someone else (partner, children, anyone else particularly close that you depend on or they depend on you for something or other), your routine is eventually going to get thrown XD

This for sure! I did read a book about organization styles, The Clutter Connection by Cassandra Aarssen . It's short and cute, and really eye opening. We're taught the "traditional" organization skills that really don't work for many of us naturally. I've been taking the time to set up convenient organizations, and if it gets messy I try a different way next. Pretty sure I finally made some progress after years of struggling with this. The book does cover compatibilities of styles with partners and kids, but I can't say if that's effective. :)

Been okay and just busy?

Happy to hear <3 Hope family is good too ^_^