when they needed some extra Irish in the mix
Interesting turn of phrase there, dare I ask? XD
You've come an incredibly way even in a short period since the first sculptures :)

when they needed some extra Irish in the mix
Interesting turn of phrase there, dare I ask? XD
You've come an incredibly way even in a short period since the first sculptures :)
Jasus, where does the time go. Big delays in replying this week, Sorry.
In Holland most of the carvers on the project were Dutch and then they started wanting to call it an international competition so They had to get more foreigners. It was ridiculous a few times when the only international contingent was me.
There are two other Irish carvers and now they both live in Holland. Leaving me the only one in Ireland.
So nominally "international" then XD
No worries. I figured out ages ago that if there's not enough time it means you're doing too much but I haven't yet figured out how to cut down on the time and leave it cut down, ewvery time I cut down something fills it back up again XD though at least these days it's stuff I decide I'm going to do.