Artificial intelligence in the context of art seems to be more and more of a talking point these days.
When I look around our Hive community here, I see more and more people playing around with AI art expressions... like Night Café and Midjourney,
And I see quite a few posts that have been illustrated with AI generated or assisted images.
Some of them are quite beautiful and intricate.
Meanwhile, I was looking fairly randomly for new music on YouTube the other day and came across an entire hour-long playlist of tunes that had been entirely AI generated. I listened for a while, and moved on mostly because they had nothing special to recommend themselves.
Fact remains, however, that they were generated with AI.
Fact remains, however, that AI is just in its infancy and what we might look at is "easily distinguishable" from human created in today's 2023 may (likely will) become quite different and more sophisticated by even 2033.
Which brings me back to art.
To what degree — if any — is the human factor; the human experience; part of this thing we call art? To what degree does it matter how something was created as opposed to merely that it was created and as a result of its creation some sort of response is elicited?
After all, isn't that one of the primary purposes of art? To elicit a response or a feeling in people who are looking at it?
I'm not claiming to have answers here. I'm just adding another speculation to the data stream.
Art takes many forms, of course. Painting a beautiful landscape because you were moved by it when you were sitting in the middle of it is a different experience from painting that landscape from looking at 20 photographs taken by different people of that particular landscape.
Is the "origin story" important?
If we turn to something abstract, or maybe fantastical, we're no longer talking about art was created as a result of direct experience… although it may well have been the result of images that unfolded inside somebody's brain.
In that instance is the origin important?
We could make the argument that art tends to be subjective and AI is not capable of subjectivity… but AI is capable of artificial subjectivity. What I mean by that is you give the AI a set of instructions and it interprets what you are suggesting.
And that's not always going to come out the same.
Is that something worth considering? Is it an important and worthwhile part of the AI debate?
Again, I'm not claiming to have any answers here… I mostly just posing speculation and asking a few questions.
What's more, I expect the possible range of answers will change and evolve as AI changes and evolves. I'm not sure where it'll take us. Will we continue to explore AI at the current rapid pace, or will people suddenly put the brakes on it and decide that we need to know things better before we forge ahead?
Just thinking out loud!
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All images are our own, unless otherwise attributed
AI will never create something new.
Although, it might appear to be by accident.
There are tons of art ideas i have that i count the time and resources to build, and never get to it.
With the help of AI as a tool, i might do them.
What most people do not know is the bleeding edge of reality creation.
Most people are quite a few steps away from it.
There are people out there making really new music. So new that the common person finds it annoying. Not pleasant to listen to. An AI can not do this.
Then, more musicians start picking up on the ideas of the new music and start working it into their songs.
And lastly, it is on the top 20 radio station.
At that point, the AI can make a pretty decent copy.... modified copy
I deal with many people who are on the bleeding edge or reality creation.
For these people, AI is not even a good tool.
However, i also know many people who design web pages, and except for getting color themes right, and having a new set of photos, everything is just repetition.
AI could be a tool in the context of perhaps having to perform some kind of relatively time consuming and laborious and repetitive process where the objective is that AI can do a "decent" in a fraction of the time it would take a human. Perhaps like designing certain types of web pages.
But you're right, AI will not create anything new because it has to get its information from something that already exists in order to "create" something.
Things like turn photograph into pencil drawing... those are all AI tools.
And of course, doing that with a click is so much easier... and actually worth the time.
Doing it by hand makes it a labor of love... if every you wanted to do it.
And now, they can paint water, waves and such.
But, this really a help when you want to make a particular picture.
But, but, it also means that what we used to consider art, and was painstakingly done, is now a click.
"Certified Human Creation."
Since we have NFTs, perhaps we need to come up with an acronym for art that is entirely human-created.
I just bought in NFT of a CHC! I'm gonna be rich!
I've been noticing a change in myself and how I'm taking things in. I wanted to write about this at some point but still busy trying to figure it out.
With so many AI generated images flooding my view, they're becoming part of what I will describe for now as, the background.
We've been in several homes and buildings for instance and many have wallpaper designs for instance. Design could be stunning, but I don't feel stunned, it's just there, as I'm busy paying attention to other things.
My eyes are flooded with AI generated images and I'm merely glancing. There's no real reason to look close. And why spend time picking up on the finer details or attempt to interpret something then share your thoughts, when there's nobody to share it with.
I can't say as how I have ever felt really "knocked out" by anything AI created. I have come across a few things that were "quite interesting," but that's about the extent of it. I've come across a few things that were "pretty good" that were perhaps AI at the base, but then were — for lack of a better term — "blinged out" by human creativity to make it better.
For the most part, I am not that interested.
But I am interested in the impact AI might have on the way we interpret what we're looking at, and the extent to which we value — or not — artistic endeavors.
I create. Some of that stuff makes people think I'm crazy (and I've heard worse lol). That takes skill. They're thinking about the artist just as much as the art. Much of that is lost with AI. I think that human connection is vital.
Some artforms require and endless stream of menial tasks and AI can speed things up, then the end result is directed and produced by so-and-so. Still a way to connect there.
So much guesswork though. This shit came on fast. Hard to process the impact or where it might lead.
It did all happen incredibly fast. Which often seems to be the case with technology; it comes in and changes a paradigm much faster than we "evolve" to parse and process it.
For me, art is a form of communication. Whereas it may be "early days" yet, I feel like a good bit gets lost in translation when something is created by automation.
I suppose I'm a bit of an adherent to the Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi; there's perfection in the IMperfect.
We weren't there to see it, but portrait painters absolutely hated photographers.
At least there are lessons from history. I don't want to be those people.
I also enjoy being a little closer to the action, compared to most people. Got a head start in the thinking department. Just being on this platform alone, surrounded by so much innovation and information along with leads to more. Ahead of the curve, yes, but it's a sharp one.
AI makes a good servant, but a tyrannical and murderous master.
Those that control the AI can similarly, be good servants (for the good of humanity) or tyrannical murderous masters.
Well put.
If the likes of Elon Musk see the danger in it, or even the creators of it, then it definitely time for a pause. But no, the public is hooked, and Big Tech like that. It thus becomes obvious who the bad masters are.
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