Old Tenement House / Stara Kamienica, Toruń

in OnChainArt4 years ago


ink, A4, 100 g paper


Toruń Old Town

My new ink sketches of various types of tenement houses from Toruń. A nice, atmospheric city. Lots of gothic. Picturesque old towns. Here is an old tenement house, with open shutters. And a Sailing Gate.
This weekend I was redoing Christmas Eve, which I was in bed with coronavirus.

IMG1147 1.jpg


Toruńska Starówka

Moje nowe szkice tuszem różnego rodzaju kamienic z Torunia. Ładne, klimatyczne miasto. Dużo gotyku. Malownicze dwie starówki. Tu stara kamienica, z uchylonymi okiennicami. I brama Żeglarska.
W ten weekend odrabiałam wigilię, którą przeleżałam w łóżku chora na koronawirusa.


ink, A4, 100 g paper

Ładne czy nie?

art by Planeta Rium

podpis planeta-1.jpg


I like so much this drawing, the atmosphere make me think about some novels I read. Well done!

Thanks! This City is a little bit gloomy. Like english novels. Is it english? ;)🎩 🤓