OCA Daily Favs

in OnChainArt4 years ago
Authored by @@equipodelta


Greetings artistic community!

Art in visual form, through drawings, painting and design, is a form of expression, a means of venting, the representation of the artist's deepest thoughts, for many it is a means of catharsis, the representation of a reality, often distorted or product of some need.

It could be for some a form of affective expression and that leaves the viewer uncovered, hoping that they feel identified with it. The complexity of the being is noticed when true artists create fascinating works where they undress the mind of the spectator in great masses, since they enter the deepest part of the soul that motivates the appreciation of their work.

But it is not a general rule, because there are consecrated artists that will reach portentous levels in their works, because they are made to captivate the masses, to sell, for visual consumption and have nothing to do with the soul, the being or the personal life of the artist.

Although the ideal is not to be equipped with advertising or fashion, the current trend, but rather the enjoyment for what is done and that passion that you can not see in a reproduction made for the masses.

With this personal thought, we open the presentation of the favorite authors of the day, whose passion predominates in each of their works, which makes it amazing, fascinating, the images are accompanied by their feelings, after the construction and conceptualization of their world, their inner self, which makes it even more special.



We begin our presentation with the following author who stands out in her professionalism, showing her great technique in traditional art with graphite pencil and charcoal on paper, Dame (@dameart) has made a faithful and accurate reproduction of the actress Azaeli Banks.

Not only we notice her technique and perfection but also the care she takes not to stain her piece, the delicacy with which she takes each drawing instrument and her gaze fixed on her design, nothing can interrupt her between her work of art and the vision of herself made into a mental image.

Pure and perfect monochromatic realism.


A Flame In The Hurricane

The magician of the environment brings us a spectacular piece, a striking image of a stormy night, a small ship whose crew members face a powerful and deadly hurricane.

The artist has made this composition to be the cover of a book, he tells us small pieces of the story that inspired his master creation.

It is impressive the movements he can achieve with the details of the sea waves and raindrops. This author has a lot of talent, any of his works put into a book or video game, will surely be successful.


Creator (New illustration)

We now present the digital art of Fernando Pavon (@ferjart) who has created a captivating character. He tells us in his post that he tried to recreate the effect of traditional art in his digital painting, we can appreciate that they have details in watercolors, he has used the brushes very well, his work is excellently achieved.

Fernando handles very well the details of shadows and lights, he always uses a harmonic palette and adds that contrast that highlights and makes it fascinating, because the neon color that he has used in the skull is amazing.

She delights us with her step by step, which has a very orderly and delicate structure, in the same way that she encourages us through her writing.

He has been somewhat absent from our platform, is very encouraged in his return, and opens again giving life to the character that today shows us a fabulous piece which of course is tokenized available for collection.

We look forward to seeing more of his work.


Pin Her Down!

@hiddenblade surprises us with his piece in GIF format, in which he sketches his idea of how a person can feel during surgery and he is asleep but feels everything that is done to him. In real life it is so dangerous that it can cause a shock to the patient and his subsequent death because the pains he suffers are torture.

Reading her story, we are even more surprised when she tells us that it was herself, after undergoing neck surgery, the anesthesia failed, with all the pain to which she was subjected, it is a miracle...

Her work can express very well what she felt and what she describes in her post, many medical hands on her, in a hospital room, immobilizing her while she screams in pain asking them to stop, but they were screams of her soul, because the doctors did not listen to her.

Terrifying... Finding her catharsis in art is magnificent.



We close with another fantastic piece from the great collection of tokenized works by Isaria (@isaria).

Depending on how each viewer appreciates it, we can say, tenderness, fantastic, heavenly.

In her work the textures predominate, details in glass that make it look like abstract art, and aged with details of crumpled paper. We are fascinated by her textures and that expression that she always achieves in the eyes, that when we look at them seems to tell us: "come to me", ufff, it makes our skin crawl.

We love Isaria's art, it is unique and sensational.

With this talented artist we culminate our presentation of the day's favorites. We cordially invite you to our next publication. Where we will show as always quality and perfection, arts that will leave you amazed.


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 4 years ago  

Thank you for the feature!! What an honor 😍❤️