I just looked through my posts and - wow - it has been a long time since I posted any of my drawings or paintings. I mean, I haven't been super productive in this regard the past few months but I have been drawing pretty consistently. Do I want to show you all of it? Certainly not but some of it - yup, why not?
I think I'll be posting in reversed order or in chaotic timeline of creation - LOL. The one I am posting today is my latest one. And, in all fairness, it's not really finished because I intended for this to become a vector painting. I already started vectoring it in Affinity Designer but have a ways to go. It will be looking very differently to this one except for the shapes.
If you scroll back, way back on my blog you will see that I do/did quite a few watercolor paintings. As in - real watercolor and real paper. Well, for this one here I chose a watercolor brush to finish my drawing.
All of it was done digitally on my iPad Pro in Procreate. I have downloaded ClipStudioArt recently but for now I am still a total fan of Procreate. Anyhow - I sketched this image over the course of a few evenings - I never claimed to be a sketch or gesture drawing artist. According to Procreate the whole painting took 5871 brushstrokes and 5h 3m to completion - nerd!
Then I imported the sketch into Affinity Designer to start on the vector line art. Yet somehow the image called to me and I wanted to finish it in a very loose manner, with watercolor and the pencil showing through it. I really do like this kind of look though I know it is not for everyone (which is true for just about everything).
So, I started coloring in the hair first in a very warm, sunny yellow followed by pale skin, eyes and all the details. I did shadows - very roughly really and then it was time to decide on a background. Darn'! I always do this and leave the background till the end, which is not a really good idea, don't do it! So, I went through different colors and couldn't really settle for one. Well, I did but -
Which one do you fancy most?
I am also liking the banner like image and am thinking of making a gif with the different backgrounds or maybe the banner style (Warhol anyone?) picture, my very first, ever NFT. It wouldn't be a cheapo, I am not selling for breadcrumbs but NFT prices are all over the place. Do you think anyone would buy it? I think it's kind of cute but... then again, I am biased. Also, there is so much crap out there in the NFT world, sorry but not sorry to say. I'm sure some people think this piece is crap. Shows you - art is something very personal. I'll probably just be doing it.
BTW the name of the painting comes from my hubby. I showed him the sketch with the woman and baby and he said 'whoa, this is giving me Mother Earth vibes'. And there you go, it stuck, that shall be the title. Here is the timelapse recording of
Mother Earth (digital painting)
Till next time!
Have a great rest of your day!
If you are on Nostr you may have seen some of my content over there as I have started posting a little on that protocol.
I strive to never copy/paste my text but my images will obviously be the same.
If you're curious about Nostr you can find me there under OceanBee as well.
Hey, I'm glad you're painting again! I know the treatment messed you up, but I hope you can keep it up. I prefer the white background one. It's impressive that it was done on an iPad—it looks like it’s on paper!🥰
Life has a way of trying to mess with you, doesn't it? We need to stay strong and focused on our own journey. The art that can be created on an iPad is amazing! I am just having fun with what I'm doing.
Looks like 'white' is the winner 😊
Hey I’m glad that you’ve gotten back into painting! I know with the treatment you were on you said it messed you up - hopefully you can keep it up! I am more of a fan of the white background one myself but I’m also surprised this was all done on an iPad! It looks very real like it was paper!
On a related note - my wife got her a1c down through vitamin shots - blood work came back this week with a “normal” level! since the vitamins goes more directly into the body through injecting into the muscle instead of having to get destroyed by the gut first. Hopefully you’re doing some digging on how to stay off that stuff you were on!
Yeah, I haven't touched that stuff since three months now. Except for the waiting I'm feeling pretty good. Work is a bit crazy so I don't find the distance at night to start drawing at the moment but that is usually temporary.
Hurrah for your wife! That's awesome! Vitamin shots? I don't know how that would have done the trick but, hey, I'm really glad it worked for her. Honestly, I feel like I'm in a holding pattern right now till later in August, I know I shouldn't be but I can't help it - it is what it is.
We get he shots from this place, you should take a looo at the list and can even call them for recommendations.
There’s a lot that help reduce blood sugar and help with insulin resistance, it’s really wonderful stuff! We started this last year and do multiple different shots a week.
Thanks for the link. I've been reading and checking it out. I assume your wife is taking the weekly Lipotropic Injections? I'm a bit on the fence. I'm with you on the vitamin directly to the bloodstream, however, I haven't done that yet. Also, they're really expensive if you're taking those weekly, especially if you take not only one... I do think our health is worth just about anything but I also can't help but think that those are over-priced. Well, I'll be pondering a bit more and may try them. Thanks again, I really do appreciate it.
Most of the protocols say you only need to do this about 2 years or so, maybe less. You’re just trying to get your body back to a good basis and keep it going from there through oral supplements and things of that nature.
Yeah we do the Lipo one, and it helps when you buy them in bulk. So we get 4-8 of them per shot at a time and we have them in the house. I do vitamin C for her one day, lipo another, D and mineral blend another day. So you’re doing alternating things and see how you feel afterwards. Some of them make her exhausted because they are seemingly correcting deficiencies while others like C or D help get those levels to baseline but don't make her feel tired or anything.
There’s really amazing Fakebook groups for these things - that’s the primary use for that platform for us. Finding groups of people who are using these protocols themselves. That’s where you can find a lot of testimonials and stuff on what works for what issue etc.
As for the cost - for us it was weighing options. She couldn’t get better going to doctors and they cost us 2-300$ per visit most times, specialists more and they said they can’t help, go to someone else. We walked by a place when we were in Florida and she heard about them but never really tried it and we said fuck it let’s try it. She slept the best she did in weeks after getting a mineral blend and Lipo one and we committed to trying it for a few months to see how it went, it was the same or cheaper than doctors who do nothing to help so we said screw it. Overall she’s felt so much better and back to normal after figuring out which ones help the most through trial and error. We would get 1-2 of one, see how it goes and if it helps get a bulk pack for cheaper and wait until they have sales.
beautiful! such luscious and generous colors. lovely and different for a watercolor. It almost looks like acrylics.
Thank you. Yeah, it's because I kept layering more and more on top of each other so it mostly lost watercolor's translucency.
Stunning ❤️ and I love the Andy Warhol vibe!