...todays Sunday post is about some of my older works to keep them "alive" and take a look at them again.
Yesterday i realized i already painted soooo many walls, canvas and pictures in general in my life.
Some of them traveled all around the world in different continents and some of them just got lost or forgotten in friends places or somewhere else.
I made a lot of giveaways and custom works, had exhibitions and live paintings. Sometimes i paint all alone and sometimes i have like a hundred people watching :D
Lets jump into some of those works and make a little time travel backwards.
Because the summer is slowly going in Berlin and its getting more fresh outside i will start with this little guy i painted some years ago at Mauerpark in Berlin.
The people really liked it :)
...I just found this one from 2014 when i used to paint the name "KEAS 64".
It was a gift for a wedding.
Kind of different to the works i paint today.
Here is an old custom job in a kids room. -"TIM"
Something more actual:
...i hope you can see a difference :P
The next work was in my kitchen long time ago.
When covid started i was alone at my birthday at home and painted this.
Here is a very old but still cool sketch i painted some years ago.
Never finished this one. I think it was for a "B" sketch battle.
What do you think about this sketch on top of the Berlin map?
Just a quick edga.
The next work is a canvas i painted for a customers son some years ago.
One time a police officer was interested to own an original artwork.
I also painted this:
...and that:
Some handmade stickers!
And a very interested cool guy looking at my art at the end of my FLASHBACK SUNDAY right here:
I think i will make all my sunday posts to a Flashback sunday and show some mixed, old works.
What do you think about this idea?
Shop Vida
PEACE and love,
-edga NOWARGraffitis

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