
in OnChainArt3 years ago

Architectural drawings are always a challenge for me.. I don't stick to rules and lines while painting and that first go well with this type.

Trying to capture the mood of a rainy day by the tower.


The building was a bit thinner than the painting... It was wrong in sketch I knew that but went ahead with it.. to lazy to redraw

It was not going well.. started with too dark sky .. and then had to clean it up lift and it became patchy.. had to rework a lot to fix it.. forgot to take a pic during that stage.. finally started to look better when the tower was finished.

Added the palms and far away crowd.

Finished off with the birds and the figure.



Total time: 2hrs
A3 size
440gsm handmade cotton paper


so pretty, you're very talented!

I think this is pretty darn amazing!! I am always in awe of those who can make paintings actually look like what the painting is referencing! My attempts at architectural drawings/paintings look much more abstract!

Thank you .. it doesn't matter if it's realistic or abstract.. painting should look good in the end.. that's the only thing that matter 😁

I am learning that, as I dive deeper into the creative person I believe I am! ;)

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Manual selection by @fermentedphil.

Thank you @fermentedphil 🙂

Always a pleasure to view your work! Keep on creating awesome art!
