The hut — watercolour painting

in OnChainArt2 years ago


Landscape painting in watercolor on paper.



Messed up light here.. the background light had different direction later tried to make ut up by adding shadows.. it's total mess up


Total time: 90 min
300 gsm Saunders Waterford paper


Long time my friend! Your paintings are, as always, spectacular. I really love seeing them. Thanks for sharing. This one reminds me so much of getting away from the busy city. It makes me long for the comfortable country life. Keep well!

Thank you so much .. and Thanks for dropping by again.. you cant miss anything.. they are all on saved in the block chain 🤣

I have been busy too so cant keep up with the number of paintings like i used to earlier.. last month i painted only 4.. i used to paint 14 few months back

Glad that the painting evoked your emotion.. it served the purpose :P

It is a shame that we get so busy that we do not create art! I am in the same boat, my friend. Work is keeping me so busy. Stay well and create more of your beautiful art!

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