Oil Painting - Daily Bread

in OnChainArt9 months ago


I recently made a post about baking sour dough bread. So while photographing the bread fresh from the oven, I realised that it might potentially be suitable for a painting.

So after enjoying some warm slices of bread with home made jam, it was time to look through the photos.

Lacking the complexity of most of my other artworks I could dive straight in with little preparation.

As a kid I thought still life paintings were boring, and wondered why anybody would ever paint them. Fast forward some decades later, as professional painter, the story has changed. I now understand it is more the challenge of the exercise in the skills required to render the subject. For the artist, there is the satisfaction of achievement. For the viewer, there (usually) is something pleasant to look at, which in this case is food.

Tomorrow, I'll prepare the newsletter and send it out to my collectors, and see if it stirs their appetite and whether anyone will bite. 😀

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Looks so real 🤗

 9 months ago  


Me: oh yeh the bread you made the other day. What do you mean painting? [zooms in] oh it is too damn.

Looks like you got double joy out of the fresh bread :)

 9 months ago  

Indeed I did get double joy. 😀
Never let a good opportunity go to waste.

it always amazes me just how great your art is. i am speechless leo!

 9 months ago  

Thank you!