⭐Cryptocartoon of the founder of ChallengeDAC⭐

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)


🌟⭐Hey Cryptofriends!⭐🌟

I cryptocartoonized🖼 the Founder of @ChallengeDac a cool dapp that is also known as ChallengeEOS and which let users create decentralized challenges!🏁

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🌟 Chace Eskam is the founder of ChallengeDac 🌟


🌟 About ChallengeDac 🌟
Every day the world is becoming more
accustomed to the convenience and efficiency that applications bring to our lives! As their usage have grown, the shortcomings
contained in the current systems have become easier to see.

Questions involving security, censorship,conflicts of interests, and the distribution of value created by an application are quickly becoming more and more puzzling. These are questions that are
becoming increasingly more difficult for big tech to answer.

The architecture contained in ChallengeDac not only provides solutions for these pressing problems,but it also offers new capabilities that have never before existed for users. The
incorporation of breakthroughs that have recently been made in
the field of high-speed public Blockchain software.
ChallengeEOS is transparent, it is censorship-resistant, it relies on community input through a decentralized, openly
traded token for the ranking and organization of its content.

ChallengeEOS provides free accounts for users as well as valuable tokens for their participation.


Types of Challenges

Task Challenges
A Task Challenge occurs when a creator
names a task they wish to see completed.
The fulfiller enters evidence of the completion
of the Challenge in the comment section below
the Challenge via a picture, text or video.
Once the fulfiller of the Challenge submits
evidence of the completion, then the creator
can release the prize to the winner or winners.

Geo Challenges
Geo Challenges occur when a creator rewards a user(s) based
on their location. The creator sets a location where a user(s) can
claim a reward. everyone inside the boundaries has the
opportunity to claim the tokens that were set as a prize while
using the ChallengeEOS app. Geo Challenges can be placed on
an auto reward, wherein winners simply submit their GPS
coordinates to claim the reward, thus making it so the creator
doesn't need to manually release reward(s) to each winner or


$CHL Utility

The CHL token is ranked and organized on the ChallengeEOS
newsfeed based on the cumulative number of CHL votes that each Challenge receives. The more CHL tokens that vote for
a particular Challenge, the higher that particular Challenge will
appear on the newsfeed, making the most voted for Challenges
visible to a wider audience.


The ChallengeDac project and Community was among one of the first projects to launch on what is now the
most used Blockchain in the world. With over 2 years of development, 5 versions, and thousands of downloads, the
community has gained the experience necessary to maintain its
leadership in the Blockchain space.

🌟Join ChallengeDac Community🌟

• Website : http://challengedac.org • Twitter : https://twitter.com/challengedac •Hive Blog : https://hive.blog/@challengedac •Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-4NOmlUDMMd3MjacS22rFmfIKqSmpV_0/view? •Telegram: https://www.t.me/Challenge_DAC


🌟 About Jenina⭐Crypto 🌟
The Cartoonist of your favorite Crypto☆Stars!

☆Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeninacrypto ☆Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jeninacrypt0

🙏 Donations to support my cryptoart are welcome:
EOS: cryptojenina


This is so cool and fascinating! I am using the app and it let's me create challenges or earn cryptocurrency for completing challenges. keep up the good work.

Yeah ChallengeDac is awesome!!!🌟🚀🔝🙌 Thanks for your comment!😊

So cool🌟⭐🌟⭐