I am not diminishing its value it is simply if this will be safe for people to open at work and in a public environment.
Would you and all your friends be perfectly fine with opening this post at their work or at school?
I am not diminishing its value it is simply if this will be safe for people to open at work and in a public environment.
Would you and all your friends be perfectly fine with opening this post at their work or at school?
Yes, and I'm not just saying that which is why I literally did a poll. I can only imagine it depends on where you are geographically or maybe your job, but yes it would be totally okay for me and anyone I've asked to open this at work or in public.
K then consider the ongoing results of this poll

I'm not saying this is a common occurrence but there is the possibility people can literally get FIRED... loose their entire income if they break the rules of their company. Now that's more likely if if wasn't a simple mistake and they're actively looking for trouble with things much more sexual in nature. But... nevertheless their co-workers don't know their intentions and many can be mean-spirited.
In case anyone else cares or is following this thread...
Yes and we have a very simple tool it's adding these letters to a tag #nsfw ... or post in a community that is marked that way. That's what we can do it solves the problem
Well I'm not arguing against the use of a NSFW tag if it's warranted. I'm saying
Why don't you want to use NSFW tag? Maybe this is the issue to ask about.
Super mainstream YT makes a distinction between artistic nudity and just about all websites that revolve around user generated creative content all are similar in this regard.
nsfw needs to be reserved for what I would umbrella under "adult content" sexually suggestive or erotic content. Nudity in and of itself is not erotic or sexually suggestive.
As the admin of OCA, the things I do end up becoming precedent and this is a terrible precedent to set for an art community.
If you want people to actually see your content, it's much less likely they will if it's hidden behind even a single click. Now of course if I thought the content was nsfw I would, but I honestly don't so the only reason I would even consider it is because you asked me to, which is not a reason for me to do something I disagree with. Although I did change the thumbnails a a show of good faith, but at the end of the day, I just simply disagree with you.