Continuing with my drawings of among us characters, in this case going a little more out of the mold and creating more curious designs. For those who don't know I'll leave a link conveniently here, where you can check my previous drawing.
Continuando con mis dibujos de personajes de among us, es este caso saliendo un poco mas del molde y creando diseños mas curiosos. Quienes no lo sepan dejare un link convenientemente aquí, donde puedes chequear mi dibujo anterior.
As the decoration that I liked the most was the cat hat next to the little smol, my more human version had to have it. I think it would not only be useful as an astronaut but also as a spy... In the end, it turns out that I was the impostor.
Como la decoración que mas me gustaba era el gorro de gato junto al niño, mi version mas humana debía de tenerlo si o si. Creo que no solo serviría como astronauta sino también como espía... Al final si resulta que era la impostora.

For the sketch I will not deny that I did a copy and paste here and there to to speed up some things. Although I made its changes and for the coloring I made each one on its own.
Para el sketch no negare que hice un copia y pega por aquí y por allá. Aunque si tuvo sus cambios y para el coloreado si hice cada uno por su cuenta.
After sketch comes the basic colors, when i added them i started to think maybe this design works pretty well as an spy... I was thinking about her between the vents... yeah, in the end i guess i was the impostor after all.
Después del boceto vienen los colores básicos, cuando los añadí empecé a pensar que quizás este diseño funciona bastante bien como una espía... Estaba imaginándola en la ventilación... sí, al final supongo que yo era la impostora después de todo.
Curiously, what I loved the most about drawing were the crystals. Maybe because it was a new practice or the set of colors that I had to use. I think it's the one that brought the most life to the drawing.
Curiosamente lo que mas me encanto dibujar fueron los cristales. Tal vez por ser una practica nueva o el juego de colores que tuve que recurrir. Igual creo que es el que brindo mas vida al final para el dibujo.
I think this design represents me well, especially with the little stuffy smol companion I want to cuddle 24/7.
Creo que este diseño me representa bien, mas que todo con el peluchin compañero que quiero abrazar 24/7.
Design with the theme of a mother cat accompanied by her little son who always takes care of him ready. Ready as well to work moving between ships in the space, and if anyone dares to touch my little boy, I swear it will be his last time.
Diseño con temática de una madre gata acompañado de su pequeño hijito que siempre lo cuida listo. Preparada para trabajar moviéndome entre naves por el espacio, y si alguien se atreve a tocar a mi hijito, juro que no la contara.
Herramientas / Tools:
- Paint Tool Sai
Si les gusta mis trabajos, su apoyo significaría mucho / If you like my work, your support would mean a lot.
Your character has arms!
whenever I watch the kids play Among Us I often wonder how they get anything done, are they telekinetic? XD
Do they have genders or you just decided your smol is a boy? :D
i never thought about that and now that you made me think about this, do even aliens have a gender? :O
if they do, would they have two? what if they reproduce between the participation of 3 or 4 genders? :O how it would be like?
and answering your question, well for me i always imagined him as a boy x'd. i don't know why.
Depends on the alien and what kind of world they evolved on I guess? And the multiple parents thing is probably possible too because see above? :D
Whatever you make of them is probably not wrong XD