A new character in my New England series inspired by the gull I see every day.


Algernon Seagull sat stock still on his flat rock. He fidgeted with his tie, feeling constricted and restricted.

"Uncle Algy, do be still," came his niece, trying to adjust her easel and paint pots.

Algernon Seagull was in his dress blues. He was having his portrait made by his artist niece who'd been fool enough to go off to art school in the city instead of staying where she belonged, upon the shores of the Cape.

Algernon Seagull who'd have rather been in an open necked shirt with his old straw boater, fishing. Or knee deep in the brine, clamming like he ought, not sitting stock still to have daubs of oil and pigment make him out on canvas. But, one did what one could for family.

Sketch before color is added.

I'm finally making a sketch of a character directly inspired by the wild animals I see on a daily basis. Algernon Seagull is truly a gull I watch daily on our shore. I've dubbed him so and he is the king of our shore. He's always sat on the flat rock out front eating shellfish or crabs, fighting with herons or plover over fish.

A few layers in GIF form.

I'm having fun with these characters and now that I'm determined to people the pages of my art journals not only with characters from my imagination , but inspired by the creatures I see on a daily basis, it is making my walks and beachcombs more fun.


Now the chicks I've got growing in a brooder in the pantry, My laying hens out in their yard, the birds and creatures I encounter on my walks, all seem fodder for characters.

I hope you are enjoying them as much as I am in creating them. I also hope you get a moment in your own day to indulge in your own passions or a moment to dream and imagine a world all your own.

Bunny Portraits



This gentleman is very beautiful and elegant, beautiful work as always.

Come to think of a wonderful book about Jonathan Livingston Segal, which I must comment, for your creation!

Uncle Algy must love his niece very much XD Hopefully she'll do some nice sketches/paintings of him in his preferred manner of dress doing the activities that he loves, and he'll see the lovely art that she does and feel much better about her expanding her horizons and learning new skills ;D

And the poot gull looks pretty decent in his dress blues even if he'd rather not be wearing them XD

I figure there's a story there between the city niece and seaside ole' sea captian country uncle, who knows? :)

That's cool sir! Had several seagulls in my garden today!

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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Come to think of a wonderful book about Jonathan Livingston Segal, which I must comment, for your creation!

Lovely sketch, it's evident the art school did pay off 🙂🌹

It's funny how the random things we see every day inspire us. Great job.

You are doing a good work 🥰 keep it up