[Esp-Eng] Mother and daughter/DigitalArt/By @Dehirry

in OnChainArt3 years ago

Mother and daughter


Buenos días amigos de @Hive, en esta ocasión he decidido retratar un mito, un fragmento del mito antiguo sobre la diosa de la LunaDiana y su hija Aradia la primera de las hacedoras de magia, aquellas que llevaron la magia a los oprimidos, a los desvalidos, a los desolados y maltratados.

Good morning friends of @Hive, this time I have decided to portray a myth, a fragment of the ancient myth about the goddess of the Moon Diana and her daughter Aradia the first of the magic makers, those who brought magic to the oppressed, the underdog, the desolate and mistreated..

✨Proceso Creativo✨

✨Creative process✨

Line Art

Como es costumbre en mi trabajo, decido comenzar por los puntos de interés, o las zonas del rostro que más llamarán la atención, En este caso se trabajan por separado los elementos de la ilustración, comenzando por Aradia quien estará en el primer plano, de segundo Diana en un plano intermedio y por último el fondo del lienzo.

As is customary in my work, I decide to start with the points of interest, or the areas of the face that will attract the most attention. In this case, the elements of the illustration are worked separately, starting with Aradia who It will be in the foreground, second Diana in an intermediate plane and finally the background of the canvas.


Base Colors

Trabajo directamente el tono de color base, luces y sombras, para así ahorrar tiempo en el proceso, al ser dos personajes es el doble del trabajo del que habitualmente se requiere, trabajo piel, cabello y ropas con sus respectivas luces y sombras.

I work directly on the base color tone, lights and shadows, in order to save time in the process, being two characters it is twice the work that is usually required, I work on skin, hair and clothes with their respective lights and shadows.


Continuo con el tono de ojos, detalles de joyería, para luego avanzar con el fondo y los efectos finales de la composición, tratando de mantener el entorno y sensaciones místicas que por lo general me gusta alcanzar en mi trabajo.

I continue with the tone of the eyes, jewelry details, and then move on with the background and the final effects of the composition, trying to maintain the environment and mystical sensations that I usually like to achieve in my work.


Esto es todo mis queridos amigos, como siempre es para mí un grato placer compartir con ustedes mi trabajo que además de placentero, resulta terapéutico en estos tiempos de pandemia.

This is all my dear friends, as it is always a great pleasure for me to share with you my work that, in addition to being pleasant, is therapeutic in these times of pandemic.

Gracias por su atención, @Dehirry

Thanks for your attention, @Dehirry


Nice work


@sidekickmatt, sorry!

You can call the LUV bot a maximum of 3 times per day.

Wow dibujas muy bien, me gustó tu ilustración. 👏🏽👍🏽

Let's try that again... !LUV

For trying twice to send !LUV :)




@sidekickmatt, you've been given LUV from @crrdlx.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. Daily limits change soon, check @LUVshares for info. (5/10)

Thanks, LOL! I think they need to specify when "a day" begins and ends...

Yes, it could be within 24 hrs of last post, but I really think that it's set to 0:00 utc time. I should know, so maybe I'll look it up going forward.

@sidekickmatt, sorry. :(

You can call the LUV bot a maximum of 1 times per day. Info about LUV Levels.

Here's one !LUV on behalf of @sidekickmatt Give him credit for trying twice! (and I'll give one to him too)




@dehirry, you've been given LUV from @crrdlx.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. Daily limits change soon, check @LUVshares for info. (4/10)