I am willing to burn through some of my RC to reply here with some personal experiences, not caring about rewards or anything since this is a hobby.
I have been experimenting (A LOT) with those systems, even registered to a website and later discovered how to make my Own AI Art, but lets not give them the benefit and call it ML Model generated Art, albeit not every art is "generated' when it comes to and from those models, there can be false positives.
Now I want to set some expectations here, I am a simply one who observes things unravel, I do not favor any "side" as to my eyes there are no "sides" as such.
For example I LOVE collages, and those tools are a god-sent when it comes to that but there needs to be some baseline things figured out before people can use those tools freely, they are no different than content-aware tools we have in photoshop or similar, they care fill in the blank type of tools (thats the technical thing about them).
The only thing I did not like was seeing the same artist names over and over coming up in prompts which was sad to see, thankfully some websites (lately) have taken it upon themselves to address the issue by providing proper citation automatically and link to each artists portfolio (which is a gray practice but still something for now).
Let us not forget, this is a Generated Art:
Okay, so here is one of my articles where I made a few changes to a generated asset to make it more... well... not bad lets say:
The reason being is that I simply wanted to focus on writing and express through images, and only when I managed to bring about the desired picture I would post it.
There are ethics involved on everything, including such practices,
Did I mention that I love collages? yeah I do, which is what I am working on along such tools, I have also been using stable diffusion to create models of myself and others I know and then using them together (which is not currently as possible with any "AI" to do) and then creating some stories out of them, granted that the AI is used mostly for fill-in purposes (to glue things together) and create a synthesis.
There are people who will and should argue that prompting is art and I agree to some degree, however that is not where the artistry is... it is the whole thing, taking an image to photoshop, making changes, setting a basic scene, the more intentional and creative it is the better and closer it comes to real artistry. It is up to the people on how to use such tools just like photography was back in the day.
I am an artist who uses digital mediums as well as physical ones and it is sad to see such dichotomy right now, there should be more open minded understanding and respect all across the board.
I guess I did not have any intentions in this comment to project other than an opinion which can of course change at any moment, though here I hold this as a thought. I am not sure how I even got here, I guess I felt explorative!