new paintings progress

in OnChainArt2 years ago

...from our co-creation sessions every Wednesday:




These two paintings are in oil paint, oil pastel and pencil. The top one is on heavy card, and the second is on a strange kind of foam-filled card-like stuff. Both have been in a state of stasis for .... well, years.

The practise of creating alongside others who are similarly expansive in their thinking and expressive in their sovereignty and uniqueness - is a great joy for me. Especially this year, with the core group of special souls we're sharing with regularly, I feel all kinds of energies freeing up.... It's wonderful to use this freed-up energy to revisit paintings that were waiting at the side of the studio!

Blessings and love to you all in your Art!
Clare xx


Very cool! Any plans on finishing? Or is that kind of up to a whole group of collaborators? Either way, even in its current state of stasis, it’s very eye-catching!

Ciao, @albuslucimus - thanks so much for your response here - and I loved listening to your flute music earlier today 💖 - yes, absolutely it will be finished time... And yes, I do paint more with my co-creation group than at other times, but my painting is not guided by their input in any direct way: we simply enjoy the collective vibe of open mind-heart-spirit as we create in our different locations around the world 🎨🔥🌟💛💫✨

I totally get that! I’ve done some collaborative work with friends in the past, I’d say the only influence is how I interpret their work and what I want to do to mesh with it, but I also must admit that I’m very much an empath, so I’m more easily influenced than some.

Thanks for checking out Car-Fluting! It’s definitely a niche LOL!

I’d love to see the completed work - but even in its current state, the collection of compositions already looks very impressive to me :)

I'll endeavour to update it here when they're eventually finished, but it may be some time! ;-D In the meantime, if you'd like to see finished art: here is a link to my art catalogue. Blessings and thanks again for your enthusiasm: it means a lot to me, as a very, very, very 'outsider' artist!

I just looked through all of this - I LOVE it! It feels to me like you’ve managed to create a parallel universe - your style is so expressve and visceral, it feels like a separate reality.

My mornings are pretty jam-packed, so I will admit that all I did so far was scroll through, but I would like to come through again in the evening sometime to take in your written words - I know with my stuff, I really think my perspectives, descriptions and intended meanings add a lot to the compositions overall; with works as raw and expressive as this, I can only imagine this will certainly be true here as well :)

EDIT: Also, I really liked how, in some, you incorporated written words into the body of the composition. I used to do something similar, you’ve inspired me to see if I can dig it out to share!

Oh wow these are both beautiful @clareartista xxxx

Thanks so much for saying so dear friend, @trucklife-family ! Blessings to you 💛🔥🎨

What exactly is coming out of her mouth?

It doesn't have an 'exact' definition - thanks so much for asking , @joeyarnoldvn 🎨😍

I use colour swathes, haloes, energetic projections, lines and flows in my paintings a lot, and usually gold and/ or a river-like flow could be seen as a representation/ metaphor for abundance or valuable quality of a thing or an energy - even the divine alchemical quality of an energy or material - in relation to mouth being closed, this might be seen as the power of unspoken words, the treasure of non-verbal communication in Right Flow.. which would tie into themes of the divine feminine.

The response or interpretation is always free and open 🙏 and for each individual to own and express. Do you have a particular feeling or thought aroused? 🎨💝

I love illustrations, analogies, metaphors. What I see in this drawing is a whole lot coming from the one woman. It really depends on what it might be that is coming out which can be open to interpretation like you said. What was aroused in me was a sense of curiosity. This picture of yours highlights divine femininity like you said but also a sense of transparency.

I don't know a lot about that one word you mentioned, alchemical, but it may be used sometimes to describe the unexplained. It can be used to describe the creation of something special. It can be used to describe medieval science and philosophy. I'm not exactly sure what you meant but I can see elements of all three definitions in your drawing. I'm an artist too. I like to draw. I like what I am seeing from you. I was very excited and shocked to see you respond to me. I feel honored and loved.

It was wonderful to read your response here, @joeyarnoldvn ! :-D Thank you!
Yes, mmm, the word alchemical, I think-feel-know alchemy as the mystical transformation or transmutation of one thing into another thing more precious than the original thing :-D If that makes sense! I know Co-Creation to be this, to be a gateway to our knowing our True Nature and our capacity to Create and Co-Create e v e r y t h i n g around us. And I feel that our lifetime in this body in 3D certainly is a challenge in alchemy, in comprehending beyond the illusions of suffering, contraction, striving - into expansion, bliss and paradise (eventually!).... Looking forward to co-creating with you, soul allie - blessings on your day - and I'm just listening to your lovely voice too, narrating your take on the Sonic movie- you're inspiring me to watch a film I'd never have considered watching :-D

Co-Creation is a new term for me but it makes me feel wanted in the process of the creation. It seems more interactive when there is participation, collaboration within creation, withing creating. I love that fundamental expanse. The 3D is that limitation like a shadow. Like a dream. Oh, you saw my Sonic video? Thank you Soul Allie Clare.


These are beautiful - I love the colors you use. It creates a very distinct and engaging style