I placed, very carefully, my first artwork on NFTshowroom

in OnChainArt3 years ago


I have been humming and hawing about this for quite a while now, wondering would NFTs be something I would try to be involved in. My work is ephemeral by nature and to create an NFT from it seems to not really fit the concept. But, then I thought maybe this could be just what Sand sculpture needs, a way to live on and become a more accepted part of the art world.

So many amazing sculptures in sand are created each year all over the world, in different styles and by some of the best artists I have ever met. Our work is temporary and all that will remain after it turns back to sand is a collection of digital imagery sitting on a hard drive, out of the public eye.

My blog is an attempt at preserving my work and in some ways and I hope to tell the story of this developing art form. By me trying my hand at NFTs I hope it will also inspire others in my field to do the same and hopefully help this genre of NFTs grow.

What does a sand sculpture NFT represent? (to me anyway)

I am not an authority on sand sculpture by any stretch of the imagination but with over 25 years of practising it, I have given it some thought. I am here formulating my Own entry into this space. Setting ground rules that I will follow.

For me, the NFT represents the sculpture itself and not just the image. Someone who has the NFT actually holds a piece of the sand sculpture and its mythology.

Letting go (A parable)

I have only ever sold one permanent sculpture in my life. I have been commissioned to do several but the only one of my own was sold at my end of college exhibition. I put a price on it trying to dissuade any buyers but When I saw the red sticker at the exhibition I was both happy monetarily but also sad that I would have to give up my precious work. After the exhibition, I had to deliver the sculpture to the new owner. It was a heavy piece made from metal and stone and as I carried it in my arms like a heavy child to the top floor of an iconic Dublin building it felt like I was about to give my baby up for adoption. The buyer was the architect of the building and this was his penthouse suite. He appeared very happy to meet me and led me through the apartment to his and his wife's bedroom. There, At the end of the bed was a purpose-built plinth which he told me he had just had made especially for my sculpture. All my apprehension evaporated. Although I knew I would miss my 'Precious' I knew it was going to a good home and to someone who seems to really appreciate it.

Why am I telling you all this? To be honest I have had the same set of emotions play out as I was putting this piece on @nftshowroom. Lot's of apprehension, That is why I said I am placing it on Nftshowroom and not just 'Dropping it'. I just hope that if anyone does decide to buy they will Know that they are buying something very precious to me and I have put a lot of thought into this transaction.

I am happy that we have NFTshowroom on the Hive blockchain. This is where I started my blockchain journey and so it only seems fitting that my work will be exclusive to it. I know that we may not have the largest market place but I do believe that if you build it they will come and I hope to do my part.

Special Edition of 1

After much consideration, I have decided to make this a single addition. On the one hand, I could have minted several, hoping to attract more sales and give the piece more visibility. But, as far as I am aware this is the first sand sculpture NFT and I wanted it to be the one and only.
Maybe I will be hanging onto it for a long time and it sits gathering digital dust in my gallery but for me, it will always be my first NFT child.


Hi there.... Been having a tough time trying to get my NFTs whitelisted for sale
I think I've tried everything I know, but it's not working...
Maybe you could help me???

 3 years ago  

Hi, Have you applied to be whitelisted through NFTshowrooms website? That is where I did it. I think you also need to show some of your work online so they can vet you, Not sure if you have done this already.

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Fantastic. I will be interested to hear about your experience here.

 3 years ago  

No takers yet, I will mint a few other pieces soon. Glad to see you back giving. Hope all is going well in life.

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Amazing work. Sand sculpture are beautiful and very sadly only the photographs and memory remains. But that is the reason its amazing

 3 years ago  

It is very true but maybe NFTs can help them live on.

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I'd be surprised if it sits for too long after that origin story XD

For me, the NFT represents the sculpture itself and not just the image. Someone who has the NFT actually holds a piece of the sand sculpture and its mythology.

This makes your decision to make a 1/1 make complete sense.

And you know you could do a lot of fun things like some of your more mosaic/different wall pieces you could 1/1 mint separately so people could decide to have their favourite part of the wall or collect all however many, and with the ones that you can walk around you could do the rotating model/gif th ings or that vr thing you were playing around with :)

theoretically anyway I guess you have to see what nftshowroom is capable of

I think it's pretty cool that you took the plunge :D

 3 years ago  

Thank you for your support in this. We will see how it goes.

There are so many possibilities with NFTs and it is all still so new to me. Making the first one is always the biggest step, Now that I have done that, it should open some new horizons.

I like the mosaic idea. I had a similar one in mind years ago for Instagram. Each day I would upload a 1 inch square of my naked body. My most loyal followers could assemble them all to see me in the nip and I could get around the censorship. (I never went through with this idea, so don't go looking and forget I ever wrote about it)

For the sculpture, I would probably have to mint a few of each or else no one may ever be able to form the full image but you have really got me thinking.

LoL! Well that's an interesting idea though I don't know how you'd remember where you were up to XD

You probably would have to mint a few although perhaps only minting one of each thing would then lead to some interesting price wars if people were determined to get the whole set x_x

 3 years ago  

My plan was to create some sort of bodial positioning system using drones that would circle my body then each square inch could be mapped and then using cartesian projection I would flatten out the images like a map of the world.
I've probably thought about this too much.

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incredible artwork, I think I am in love with this👐

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

Fantastic that you’re doing it! You have made more or a move in that world than I have ever done, that’s for sure.
I’m interested to learn more about how I might be able to get some of my own imagery on there!

I’m sure you’ve made the right choice and it will find a fitting owner. It’s a very striking image indeed.

Love the story about your sculpture bought by the architect.
That sounds like a buyer who really cares about the work. I certainly wouldn’t put anything in my bedroom unless it made me feel a particular way. It’s a very personal space - so it must have struck a real note.

Great post man, and I wish you all the best with the sale.

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much for your feedback. When entering a new venture like this I tend to overthink it but there have been so many times in the past that my overthinking has led to procrastination to, never doing anything at all and then regretting it.
This last year has thought me that I just have to go with my gut and push myself to do something/ anything. I have been trying to find the downsides of getting in to NFT and I have yet to find one from a creators point of view.
NFT showroom also accepts video now which could be right up your alley.

I’m the same. Procrastinating and fear of failure. Big problem in getting my personal creative work going.

Great you’ve taken the first step - the next ones should be easier!

Yeah someone mentioned to me about the video aspect.
I’ll have to read up more. Ace tech, exciting times!

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You are very good!!! I have no words in front of this piece. I think about how much patience it takes to make sand sculptures....incredible!!!

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much. I love to work with sand because is actually a very quick material to work with. To me, it is like sketching in 3 dimensions. As an artist, you should give it a try.

It would interesting, but i don't know if I'm capable of it.

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