Greetings from @ammar79
Today I am going to present a pencil sketch of Harry Potter.
Harry Potter is the all-time best novel. I still watch this series when I'm bored. The acting by Daniel Radcliffe was amazing. I was watching the second episode of this series today when I decided to draw a sketch of Harry Potter.
Here is today's artwork
- Plain paper
- Lead Pencil
- Razor
- ruler scale
- Cotton Ear Sticks
Working steps
I created everything with a lead pencil, a scale, and a cotton ear stick on a sheet of plain white paper. Then, using the same led pencil, I tweaked the contrast level until it was exactly right. A gorgeous look with a distinct face shape takes around 4 hours for him to achieve.
Here is a step-by-step guide to this sketch.
As is customary, we must first draw the outline of his face. I reproduce the same structure he has.
next time to draw his hair lines. This step was really interesting. I used the same led pencil here.
Finally, we're ready to face things head-on. They look good on him. When I sketch facial features, I also think about the shape of his glasses. This stage takes up most of my time. A lead pencil was used to fill in his hair and face.
Here we did all the sketch works, Now it's time to fill it. I started with his facial objects
next is to fill his hair. this step was time taken but easy. He has a unique and beautiful hairstyle
Time to create the basic outline of his clothes and add the last details to his face. He's dressed in a distinctive manner. It's a simple process from here on out. Each and every line is meticulously drawn by myself.
Now After filling in completely, I controlled all noise and contrast with a cotton ear stick.