A Study in Subterfuge

in EXODE Pilots4 years ago

I've entered both the official Exode Planetary contests so far, which pitted deck building skills against official judgements or predefined rubrics, and have enjoyed them. But when @digital-wisdom sponsored an unofficial contest last week while we were waiting for the results of the latest contest, I was hesitant to enter.

I was drawn to Exode, among other things, for its absence of PvP, which I have at best only tolerated in games that included it and at worst hated with a fiery passion. I don't enjoy "owning" other people; I find the most enjoyment when a community can work cooperatively to achieve a common goal -- when everyone wins. While the previous contests have had clear winners, they proposed problems that were open to everyone and judged submissions based upon how well they solved those problems, not on how well they bludgeoned their opponents.

This kept me undecided for most of the past week. In the end, instead of fretting over the "addition" of PvP to a game that doesn't need it, I've decided to view this challenge instead in the same light as the previous ones...as a problem that needs solving.

Unfortunately, I waited too long to make this decision and ran out of time to put together a full set of well thought out entries. The contest allows each contestant to enter up to three different builds, but with the time left to me I decided to focus on just one, a Keeper build.

So with that said, let's dive right in.

The Keeper Build

The challenge is to keep and hold a Federal Database for as long as possible from an unknown assailant. The only rules are that the opposing deck must be legal and that no Elite cards can be used (and all upgradable cards are fully upgraded).

I've decided to take a two-front approach to the problem: a combination of overwhelming force and subterfuge, which I will explain in detail further on.


Subterfuge requires stealth, and no origin is better at stealth than the Secret Agent, inspiring it in her followers. The Rebel Secrets add additional stealth rating to all other included cards as well as adding a thematic "snub our noses at the Federation" that works for someone stealing Federation property and trying to decode it. Both the Syndicate Chip and Corporate License are needed for essential cards for the build and fit thematically as well -- most rebellions have some criminal connections and wouldn't be above hiring corporate support to achieve their goals.


Unless otherwise noted, all the Officers and Crew listed below are equipped with this standard gear set. If a Card already has bound items (armor and/or weapons), they keep it and add only what is missing (the sidearm and additional ammo, for most characters). The bonuses to Cover, Speed, and Toughness from the armor will help keep everyone alive, while the Plasma Rifle offers a good mix of accuracy and firepower.


The fully upgraded Mantis has 8 Crew, 4 Equipment Sets, 8 Cargo rating, and 6 Passengers. The Identification Matrix is upgraded 50/50, or at +18% for both stats. The Rimscan Software uses all 8 upgrades on detect sites for a +50% total to that stat.

Equipment Sets.png

The mission is pointless if the Database isn't included. The two sets of Rifles add additional firepower when primary weapon ammunition is expended (and was also probably stolen from the Federation). The Medical Bay is upgraded with improved Medical Cures (QL6 and 14 total charges).


The Drachian Colonel inspires Discipline, which should help keep everyone following orders. He is equipped with Military Suite (Class A), a fully upgraded Judgement Day (the Hardpoints skill gives a bonus to heavy weapons) and the rest of the standard set. The Socialite will lead the up-close team if the enemy gets that far. Nash will oversee the rest of the Corporate Security forces.


Oksana is equipped with a Racer Mech-Suit, upgraded Judgement Day (Hardpoints again), and the rest of the standard set. The Agent, Trooper, Sniper, and Hacker make up the subterfuge squad, dubbed Echo, which will be detailed later.


These are the Corporate Security forces I mentioned earlier that Nash will oversee. They will be tasked with guarding the main base, Alpha base.


One AA/AT Turret has fully upgraded Guns and the other AA/AT. The Protection Walls have upgraded ground protection (QL7) and installations (3). Both generators have fully upgraded Energy production (18 Energy / day each). The Underground Construction has fully upgraded Stealth (QL8).


The Mantis will attempt to scan the planet upon arrival to find a suitable landing site, ideally somewhat rocky terrain with natural ground obstacles on at least one side for the primary base (Alpha) and good terrain for hiding some distance away for the secondary base (Echo).

Alpha base will be set up as a heavily fortified killbox. Walls surround the two generators and the Multipurpose Prefab, set up in a triangle with the Orbital Shield in the middle (providing some protection to it as well). Two Corporate Bodyguards will be assigned to guard each of the walled compounds, with Nash stationed at the Orbital Shield, adjusting them as necessary.

The Turrets, Bunker, and Vanguard will be set up in front of this, forcing attackers to go through the focused fire to get to where the infrastructure and Multipurpose prefab is and the Federal Database that could be installed there. Kilbot will be assigned to guard the Bunker, and the rest of Alpha crew will hunker down in the bunker and engage when able. A pretty good setup to guard the Database while it is being decoded.


Only the Federal Database won't be at the fortified Alpha Base at all. Immediately upon landing, Oksana and Echo Squad will load up the Underground Construction, some Food (to minimize the need to go outside), and the Database on the Explorator and take it some miles away to set up a secondary, underground base where the team will attempt to decode and acquire the Datacore. Once everything is dropped off, Oksana will stealthily drive back to the main base to join the squad there (the rocky terrain hiding most of the tracks and Echo team clearing up any traces of their existence afterwards), where she can cause distractions if the battle has already begun or add her talents to the Bunker's guns if not.

The Agent and Trooper will be the eyes and ears for the base if needed, their high stealth skill (and double bonus from the Origin to boot) keeping them unnoticed. The Sniper will set up at a good vantage point and hide himself, waiting for the right time to strike, if the base is discovered. The Hacker will stay inside for the full duration, attempting to acquire the Datacore.


Splitting up my forces is a gamble, I'll admit. But if it pays off, attrition will have whittled down the attacking forces enough so that even if they overwhelm Alpha base, they will still have to begin again to find the real base (giving me more time to finish the decoding), and ambush tactics will let my assassin squad finish them off if more time is needed.


Nice build!
I see you've had some similar ideas and interpretations to my build.

Truth is, the Vanguard is a bit overpowered vs every other vehicle or installation.
That's why I have 3 of them!

3 vanguards? Wow! Can the anti tank turret take out a vanguard?

Well the Vanguard has 3x the combat and resist of an Auto Turret but the Turret can be upgraded 2 times.
So I think you'd need 3 upgraded (AT gun) Auto Turrets to beat a Vanguard.

I chose the turrets over more Vanguards due to power consumption. Three Vanguards would last less than an hour with even a fully upgraded TR-100. Even fully upgraded Energy Cells would be depleted in 7 hours. A smart attacker could simply wait you out (hit and run to force you to utilize your defenses) and do a full assault when your power was gone.

Fully upgraded energy cells have 300 energy and a Vanguard uses 168 energy per day.

You're right. And three of them would use 21 energy an hour, or 504 energy per day, which equates to about 14 hours, not seven. Though it's a moot point, as both of use chose to use the generators.

Hhmm...it might have been better to use one generator and one set of energy cells instead of two generators. The 18 energy a day would cover the daily operation of all of the other cargo except the Multipurpose Prefab (which sits empty anyway), and the cells would cover spikes in needed energy.

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