Greetings Pilots!
It's been a few days since our Booster Opening Event and we are glad to report that it was a great success! As of writing this, more than 13,500 boosters have already been issued and our Starbase Market has seen a lot of trades happen the last weekend.
But at eXode, we are never resting! We are already hard at work to release the next version of our Evacuation. There you will finally be able to play with your own cards and bring your own crew together.
You already know most of your options from Boosters and Contracts, but there are two fine gentleman you haven't met yet: Kilbot KB-119 and the Galvin-4 Diplomatic Droid! Let's meet Mr. Kilbot first!

Wow, that's quit the package! At quality level 9 and a lot of traits focused on combat, the KB-119 shines at a singular job - killing anything and anyone standing between him and well, anything else. He's Versatile so he can be used with any Origin. If you want to bring him with, he replaces one of your regular crew members.
He features the Expertise: Heavy Weapons trait, indicating superb skill in using heavy weapons like his integrated KB Blaster. Because of the Integrated trait, you could equip an additional weapon to Kilbot 19, just in case you deem him not violent enough yet.

Any weapon will do, but with a Heavy Weapon like the Galactic Peacemaker he will wreak havoc among your enemies like no other. He also comes with his personal bound Armor, providing him with fantastical protection from anyone that has the audacity to fight back.
You might have noticed his Killer Instincts. A Robot made exclusively for killing is not exactly interested in using a subtle approach to combat. He will always choose the most destructive and aggressive approach to any encounter. If you need the target alive it might be a great idea to send Kilbot to the other side of the galaxy first. Also, if any of your colonists are talking too much and start annoying your KB-119, there might be some accidents - so it's best to keep him safely tucked away from the rest of your colonists whenever you can.

Did anybody mention talking too much? If there ever was a robot that loves talking all day (and night... and the next day as well) it was Galvin-4, your friendly Diplomatic Droid and Social Robot. Like the KB-119 you can swap him in for any of your crew members.
As you can see from his traits, he was built for the sole purpose of making conversation. He's a Fast Talker, so he will perform any social action a lot faster than anyone else would. Since he's a Pacifist, he will never take up arms and never use any aggressive skill, even when his friends are attacked.
Speaking of friends, there's nothing more important to Galvin-4 than having friends and having non-stop social interaction. This may lead him to start conversations and social interactions whenever he can - even if he's not ordered to do so. That could potentially lead to smaller problems since not everybody in your colony might be interested in idle chatter with a robot...

So from time to time he might get rebuffed by the colonists he tried to socialize with. And by rebuffed we mean punched in the face, or shot, or punched in the face and then shot. That's why you'll find some spare Robot parts packed together with Galvin-4, just in case you need to replace his head (again).
Unlike any other robot, he actually has morale. That means that he can get really depressed if he gets rebuffed too often and you don't want a fast talking social addict to be depressed. He'd tell everybody about it, again and again and again, and that probably wouldn't be the best thing to happen for the overall happiness of your colonists.
Both KB-119 Kilbot as well as Galvin-4 are extremely powerful cards and probably the best crew available in their respective area. They are very restricted in what they can do, though, so it's always a trade-off to bring them with.
They both have the Locked Actions trait which means they can only be used for the purpose they were built for. With the Kilbot that's shooting stuff and with Galvin-4 that's talking to stuff. Whenever you need something else done, like picking up stuff, moving stuff or stuffing stuff, you'll have to find somebody else for the job.
If you are interested to bring one of these Robots with you, they are sold as part of the Glorious 8 in our shop for 30$ each. Like all other options from the Glorious 8, any unsold copies will be burned in 2 weeks so they are bound to become one of the rarest cards in eXode.
That's all from us today! As always, your input is valued and appreciated so we would love to hear it!
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Hyperspeed to the eXode universe!
Like a elon musk pillots :)
We love so many things about these two star robots. We always imagine a TV series entirely based on these two characters together. Maybe there will be one in some years.
Happily reblogged!
did you hear, there's a Kilbot on the loose... run for your lives! 🤖
Well I can safely say I'm glad I've already bought both!
Those two robots are definitely good additions! I can't wait to test them out.
Galvin is so dreamy sigh