Happy #tomsday Captains!
Welcome to the Grande Finale of the Baldie Challenge. Today we will take a look at the last 15 days for our 4 Captains still alive.
With everybody on the moon already eliminated, there are only going to be stories on the ocean world and on the asteroid. On the former, three captains are still competing for the number 1 spot, while it's only @digital-wisdom on the latter trying to survive the last 15 days.
Everybody still standing in the end will win 2 booster packs. We'll also award our location winners with 2 additional boosters and the overall winner with a legendary Vanguard card! We also have a little surprise waiting for our winners, but we'll have more on that once we know who's going to survive the day and who is going to get eliminated.
Now let's get right into it!
The Ocean World
@blockmonster: After the missile attack, your crew stayed in cover for a full day, still expecting the attackers to come after you and finish things up. For some reason, they did not. Once your crew felt confident enough that the immediate threat was gone, they returned to their former colony to see if anything could be salvaged from there. The place had been turned to rubble, there was nothing left standing. Even the Happy Five had been completely destroyed, although that probably was mostly due to the loss in power. Your crew tried to find some supplies in the colony's ruins but there was nothing left. Survival was going to be hard.
You already knew that you shouldn't eat anything coming from the ocean and with the recent flood, there were close to no edible plants remaining on the island. You lacked in water as well and while you might be able to survive without food, the lack of water would kill you long before the Colombus was going to arrive. Your crew spread out across the planet in a desperate attempt to collect enough supplies but in the end, it was all in vain.

Eliza had ordered the Kilbot to immediately take out anybody that resorted to drinking water from the ocean and so he did. Oksana was the last one standing but in the end, even she succumbed. When the Colombus arrives to pick you up, there's only KB-119 Kilbot still standing. You were so close to making it to the end, but ultimately, your mission had failed.
Result of Encounter:
- 4 members of your crew have died - 100 damage
- Colony Health remaining: 0
- You have been eliminated - Thank you for your participation and better luck next time Captain!
@apshamilton: Stug still had mixed feelings about the shuttle and the ship your sensors had picked up the other day. What was it doing here? What would anybody hope to find on a remote island on a planet made up of water? While he was still lost in his thoughts, he suddenly got pulled back to reality by a bright beam of light going to the sky on the horizon. He immediately got up to meet up with the rest of the crew.

What the hyperdrive is that, Tech Expert!? At first, the Tech Expert didn't even realize he was being talked to. I... I don't know Stug, Sir, but it's massive! The beam just kept going to the sky for almost a minute before it simply vanished. That must have been an unbelievable amount of power! Everybody charged underground to scan the island the beam came from. I'm not getting any clear signal. The Tech Expert tried all he could but there was no helping it. What ever happened there, it caused massive radiation! Indeed the radiation was so bad, that it would probably kill anybody exposed to it for some time.
Without any means of getting to the source of the radiation, there was not much you could do. Your only choice was sitting it out until the Colombus would come to pick you up. While your Underground Construction was great for protection from orbital attacks, it did not offer as much in terms of shielding from radiation. Luckily, both Alanna Vös and Stug had additional protection from their Suits but the Tech Expert got more ill by the day.

The last 10 days of your stay were the most boring ones, as your crew was spending it completely underground. While it was not the most entertaining, you had plenty of food and water to survive for as long as you needed and at least Alanna Vös and Stug seemed to make it. When the Colombus had finally arrived to pick you up, most of the life on the planet had already died. The Tech Expert was in a critical condition and there was no telling if he'd make it in the end. It would take some time for your officers to fully recover from the radiation as well, but there wouldn't be any permanent damage. Your mission had succeeded, but your journey had only begun. Alanna Vös was hellbent on bringing the ones responsible for that atrocity to justice...
Result of Encounter:
- Your crew got radiated - 10 damage
- Colony Health remaining: 30
- You have made it to the end of the challenge! Congratulations Captain!
@raudell: Norah still had mixed feelings about her conversation the other day. Whoever that man hailing them was, she was convinced that he would have destroyed the colony without second thoughts had she given him the wrong answers. But what was he doing here in the first place? While she was still lost in her thoughts, she suddenly got pulled back to reality by a bright beam of light going to the sky on the horizon. She immediately got up to meet up with the rest of the officers.

What the hyperdrive is that, Eliza!? At first Eliza didn't even realize she was being talked to. I... I don't know Norah, but it's massive! The beam just kept going to the sky for almost a minute before it simply vanished. That must have been an unbelievable amount of power, we need to know what that was! Tyron, prepare the Friendly Eyes! After the initial scouting, the Friendly Eyes had only been used for routine patrolling missions around your island. Without any more landmasses within 100 km, there was not much use to it - until now.
The source of the energy beam appeared to be on a remote island roughly 150 km away. As the Friendly eyes got closer to it, its scanners went crazy. This is some extreme radiation, I have never seen anything like that! Eliza proclaimed. I have. Tyron answered. When we made the jump to this system, there were the same energy residues. It appears somebody was trying to create a Neuter-field on that island! Norah didn't have any doubts. It must have been the man that hailed us. So far for asking if we'd survive!

The radiation coming from what was left of the Neuter-field generator was massive. If we don't get into cover, this will kill us within days! Eliza urged everybody to get into the Shelter as fast as possible and to remain there until the Colombus was coming to pick you up. Luckily, the Happy Five had excellent atmospheric shielding and thanks to the Eisen Suits your crew was wearing while making the readings, their radiation dose wasn't that bad.
The last 10 days of your stay were the most boring ones, as your crew was spending it completely within the Happy Five. While it was not the most entertaining, you had plenty of food and water to survive for as long as you needed. When the Colombus had finally arrived to pick you up, most of the life on the planet had already died. Your mission had succeeded, but whoever did that would have to answer to Eliza personally. Your adventure had merely begun!
Result of Encounter:
- Nothing bad happened (well the planet is dying, but other than that) - Well done Captain!
- Colony Health remaining: 85
- You have made it to the end of the challenge! Congratulations Captain!
The Moon
As the Colombus scanned the moon, there were no life signs to be found. They did find signs of recent fighting in the deserted alien ruins, but they could not tell if it was related to the crew they were looking for. Seems the Baldie Shuttle did not make it...
The Asteroid
We need to contact the Ptekorians and explain what has happened. If we don't, they will most likely consider the Colombus to be a hostile ship! After some back and forth, everybody agreed on the obvious solution. Present them the Mysterious Robot as another Reconciliation Gift and kindly ask them to leave the Colombus alone. Eliza was not very thrilled with the idea, as it would be the third robot lost to the Ptekorians, but what choice did she have?@digital-wisdom: Eliza and the Exploration Officers came together to discuss their options.

According to the Exploration officer, there was a choice to make indeed. He came up with a slightly different plan. The Mysterious AI was obviously capable of hacking that first drone the Ptekorians had sent to the Baldie, so maybe it would be able to hack the asteroid's core as well? The idea was pretty simple really - upload the AI to the Mysterious Robot, have them try to turn him and once they connect to him, the AI takes over the whole asteroid. The plan sounded good and there was a real chance of it succeeding. But what if it failed? They'd lose the Mysterious AI as well. Or even worse, what if the Ptekorians see through their deception? They still had that Kilbot standing there, it would most likely get them killed.
In the end, Eliza decided against the plan. They protected us from that attack and it is apparent that they are not hostile towards us. We might not understand their reasoning but the Ptekorians clearly are not our enemy and there is no need to change that. So it was decided. The Little Buddy got sent to shield blasting duty again and the three Officers moved to the shield they had already traversed previously. As they approached the shield, it deactivated itself several minutes before the Little Buddy was tasked with shooting at it. Seems like they are expecting us this time.
Your crew moved further through the tunnels and finally got to feel gravity again. This time there was no Droid waiting at the entrance, but the airlock was already open. They followed the same corridors back to the center of the asteroid. The control room itself hadn't changed at all, but the Kilbot as well as several energy spheres were standing close by. It seemed like they didn't fully trust your intentions.

...Bio-unit Eliza, you have returned. What do you require...? Eliza was not really sure how to best address or describe the issue, so she just started to explain the whole situation, how they landed on that asteroid, how the Colombus should come pick you up, and how you had mistaken the attackers for the rescue party. When she was finished, there was a moment of silence before she got a reaction from the central node. ...Explanation incohesive.
Bio-unit Eliza. Affiliation: Federation. Relation: Friendly.
Spaceship Myrmidon. Affiliation: Federation. Relation: Hostile
Spaceship Colombus. Affiliation: Federation. Relation: Unknown...
It seemed like the Ptekorians were mistaking any human ship to be a member of the Federation, so Eliza tried to explain how the attackers were human but not affiliated with the Federation. But no matter what she tried, the central node kept insisting. ...Spaceship Myrmidon. Affiliation: Federation. Relation: Hostile... When she once again started to explain the difference, a hologram of the Myrmidon got projected into the room. Alongside it was a long list with specifications and additional information. Wait a minute... one of the Exploration Officers seemed to recognize the ship. I know that ship! It's the Ignotus. One of the test ships for the Neuter-field technology! It was reported to be destroyed during a testing accident almost three years ago. It is a Federation ship indeed!

To Eliza this could only mean one thing: The ship was captured by rebels or pirates or what ever evil was hiding out there in space. Never would a Federation Captain attack a fellow Federation ship! She did her best to explain what must have happened to the central node and finally, the Mysterious Robot turned to her. ...Explanation approved. Spaceship Colombus. Affiliation: Federation. Relation: Friendly... That was all she needed to hear. She nodded and seconds later, the airlock behind the crew opened up again. The conversation was over.
Eliza and the Exploration Officers headed back, constantly thinking about the Inotus. What did really happen back then? How did they end up here? Why did they attack? Once back on the Colombus, there were a lot of questions that needed to be answered.
Another 10 days passed until the day finally came. The Colombus entered the system and was able to pick up your crew without any further incidents. You had made it - but it was only going to be the start of your adventure...
Result of Encounter:
- You have lost the Mysterious Robot - 25 damage
- You left the Asteroid on good terms with the Ptekorian Hegemony - Colony Health + 25
- Colony Health remaining: 60
- You have made it to the end of the challenge! Congratulations Captain!
And that's the end of the challenge! Congratulations to our 3 surviving Captains! You have done an outstanding job making it through all the encounters presented to you! You have won yourself another 2 booster packs each!
Now let's have a look at our final standings:
Ocean World:
@raudell: 85 health
@apshamilton: 30 health
@blockmonster: eliminated
@apprentice001: eliminated
@proto26: eliminated
The Moon:
@palasatenea: eliminated
@veryanprime: eliminated
@slabakbg: eliminated
@nockzonk: eliminated
The Asteroid
@digital-wisdom: 60 health
@craniuma: eliminated
@drillith: eliminated
Colony health remaining, his colony is almost unscathed. Outstanding job there!Our overall winner and winner of the Ocean World is @raudell with an amazing 85 health remaining! Not only has he won 2 additional Boosters but he also is the proud owner of a brand new Vanguard! @raudell brought an excellent and very well designed crew to the planet. His crew was prepared for every occasion and finished most encounters without taking any damage. At 85

The winner of the Moon is @palasatenea who made it the furthest by far, only to be eliminated in yesterdays article. He still brought a great crew and had an amazing fight when he finally went down. Ayumi sure made the attackers pay a hefty price for their victory! Way to go, Captain!

Finally, we have @digital-wisdom as the winner of the asteroid. By day 3, he was the only one still standing there and he still managed to make it to the very end with a very respectable 60 health remaining. His almost perfect build allowed him to supply his crew with everything needed for the whole 90 days without ever having to rely on finding anything outside of the Baldie. Excellent job there, Captain!

A big Thank you! to @nachofigx for making these wonderful certificates for our winners! As I had promised you in the beginning, we do have one more surprise for our winning Captains! These certificates are not only really good looking and individually designed, they are actually real NFTs that have already been distributed to our winners accounts! So from now on, whenever you check any of their accounts, you can always take a moment to admire their medals. Check it out here:
This is a feature we hope to expand on a lot in the future! Whenever you participate in an eXode event and win, you'll have something more to show than "just" some boosters and cards. We are really thrilled about that feature and we hope you are as well!
Federal Database Challenge.And that concludes our little Baldie Challenge. We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed making it. We'll be back with another challenge soon, but setting up everything is going to take us a bit. If you are still in the mood for another challenge, you might want to join @digital-wisdom's
@khazrakh will follow up on the challenge with a lessons learned article in the coming days, providing some insight on the workings of the challenge, what he hoped to achieve, what worked, and what didn't. Also, any feedback is highly appreciated, so please let us know what you liked and what you did not like about the challenge! It can only help us to come back with an even better challenge next time!
See you around Captains!
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Hyperspeed to the eXode universe!
Congratulations to the winners!
Ty Nacho!, your certificate is so cool love it!.
Thank you so much for making these gorgeous certificates!
What a glorious end to the baldie challenge. Congrats to the winners. You've earned bragging rights.
This was really killer guys, literally and figuratively. I got to get me one of those medals! Next time I will be certainly victorious...
You got really close there - you were a little unlucky with the string of events in the last days, from loosing your power to loosing your colony. You still had a great build!
An epic conclusion! This was an awesome challenge and all of the winners / survivors so far are very deserving of praise!
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