Keeping Up With eXode - Things Are Heating Up!

in EXODE Pilots4 years ago

Greetings Pilots!

It's been a while since you've last heard from us but that doesn't mean things have been going any slower. Quite contrary actually, things are heating up for eXode and we have some huge releases straight ahead of us!

Today we'll go over some recent highlights from our community and share some information on what we have in store for you in the coming weeks.


About a month ago, we announced our second planetary challenge - The Baldie Challenge. Twelve Captains answered the call and stood up to the challenge, with @digital-wisdom and @palasatenea ranking first in their respective category and @raudell winning the big prize with his brilliantly crafted crew for the ocean world.

The Baldie Challenge's conclusion also saw the introduction of another exciting new feature. Each of our winners received their own certificate delivered to them as an NFT and for ever shown on their delivery page for everybody to see.


We have a lot more planned for this little feature. Winning any of these titles and medals is going to be something really special!

While the Baldie Challenge was still going, we've seen another awesome contest run by community member @digital-wisdom who has been hosting the eXode Federal Database Challenge.

grabbers keepers.png

While the Baldie Challenge was strictly PvE, the Federal Database Challenge actually pitted our Captains against each other, fighting for control over the Federal Database. If you want to learn more about this contest, @digital-wisdom's Backstage Tour to the Federal Database Challenge is a great place to start!

Thank you very much for your time and effort Captain!

Speaking of time and effort, Captain @slabakbg has been making some amazing video tutorials on many aspects of eXode!


These tutorials are a great entry point for anybody new to eXode and they will prove to be an invaluable resource for our future growth! @slabakbg also set up an eXode tutorials account on Youtube, so make sure to follow him to keep up with his latest tutorials!

Thank you very much for making these videos Captain, we're looking forward to seeing many more from you!

Not all great tutorials have to be videos though. Captain @blockmonster has been making some fantastic guides to many aspects of eXode as well. His articles provide a lot of insight and showcase a lot of knowledge about the eXode universe!


If you haven't checked them out yet, make sure to head over to @blockmonster and give them a read!

Now that you are up to date to what's been going on in our amazing community, let's have a look at some of the stuff planned for the very near future.

First of all, Commander @elindos himself is already preparing another article on the state of eXode. He'll entertain you with more information on the latest features added to the game (like Upgrading!) but he'll also have some news for you on the long awaited release of the shrouded in legend Version E - the first version of Evactuation that will allow you to play with your own cards!

Next week, we'll also start another community contest. This time, the focus will be on building up the @exoderewardspool. We'll have more information on that shortly, but this isn't going to be our last contest, we're already working on another big contest as a follow-up!

We're also planning to make Keeping Up With eXode a recurring format. Once a week, we want to take a look at what's going on in our community, share stories from the eXode universe with you, and highlight interesting articles and posts about eXode you might have missed. If you want to be featured in one of these articles or want to contribute anything else, feel free to contact our CMs @balticbadger and @khazrakh over in our Discord.

That's all from us today, see you soon Captains!

Please follow to keep up to date on all things @eXodegame!

We are excited to share information and answer any questions you might have.

Hyperspeed to the eXode universe!


Glad to read up on all of the fantastic community stuff going on, and very proud to be part of it! We are kicking @Exodegame to fifth lightspeed gear now, August is a big month!

A lot of things going on with eXode, and waiting for the E Version, exciting times!