great article captain, I really hope I can pick up some more alpha boosters before we move to beta in a few months. those elite epics are my fav tbh. I think they provide less variety but are more versatile and integral to the deck generally.
also i think all the elite laegendarys are from boosters atm. there will be 2 extra of each legendary that was created by a player (large supporters of $500+ i believe) but I don't think those have gone out yet because there are only 1 or 0 elites listed of the mysterious robot, mysterious ai, mysterious boss. maybe the cranium ones were sent out since the card is finished? i didn't check how many there are.
Thank you for the feedback, and yes I agree with you that the epics also opens up a lot of play styles. I think that is a topic that deserves a more detailed comparison than the brief remarks I had in the post.