BioMons. Blockchain-powered edu/sci game to advance Biomimicry. Nature-inspired solutions

in Biomimicry4 months ago

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Ever played with Pokemon cards?
Those creatures with super-natural powers?


Well, the real organisms/natural systems have some kind of super-powers as well.
They had to solve a lot of problems during the course of their evolution and developed different strategies to solve the problems.
And we can use their strategies to solve our problems, because they are similar or even identical to ours.
It is called Biomimicry (innovation inspired by Nature).
There is a great resource called AskNature developed by the Biomimicry Institute in USA.

It has a collection of the strategies and innovations, and provides an efficient way to search them.

As for Biomons, it is an idea to provide a different representation of those materials.
Through gamification. All bio-systems (along with the strategies and innovations inspired by them) could be represented as cards. Maybe, these cards themselves could be NFTs.
This game could be built with a blockchain (maybe even Hive).
Then, these cards could be even printed, have physical representation, and played at schools.
After all, Nature is the best Teacher.
This game could help to educate kids about nature-inspired innovations.
Also, probably, people would come up with innovation ideas.
And add biomimicry-related information collectively with the help of the blockchain.

You can find additional details about all this here:

(Nature + Biomimicry + Bitcoin: Mutually Beneficial Partnership)

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