WEDNESDAY WALK-Buscando algo de paz. [Looking for some peace.]

in Wednesday Walk2 days ago


Caminar es una actividad muy recomendada por los psicólogos, la mía me lo había recomendado, pero no es algo que yo haya podido hacer de forma regular, es algo que me costaba, pero a a veces cuando tengo tiempo antes de alguna clase aprovecho a dar una mirada a la reserva, hay mucho que ver en este lugar, detrás de todo el estrés que es mi facultad, FADU, es increíble que este lugar sea tan tranquilo y tan calmado cuando el edificio donde cursos mis clases sea un murmullo constante y gente corriendo de un lado al otro jajajaja.

Walking is an activity that is highly recommended by psychologists, mine had recommended it to me, but it is not something that I have been able to do regularly, it is something that was difficult for me, but sometimes when I have time before a class I take the opportunity to take a look at the reserve, there is a lot to see in this place, behind all the stress is my faculty, FADU, it is incredible that this place is so quiet and so calm when the building where I take my classes is a constant murmur and people running from one side to the other hahaha.


Últimamente la vida está siendo estresante, y me cuesta poder enfocarme en lo inmediato, mi trabajo me enloquece, pero debo pagar las cuentas, la facultad es difícil porque tuve algunos percances por falta de tiempo, intento sostenerme y sostener todo, estoy un poco cansada, pero sé que en un mes voy a volver a estar más tranquila ya que mis clases se terminan y voy a tener el tiempo suficiente de encontrar otro trabajo mejor, o al menos irme de este lugar.

Life has been stressful lately, and I have a hard time focusing on the immediate future. My job drives me crazy, but I have to pay the bills. College is hard because I had some setbacks due to lack of time. I try to support myself and everything. I'm a little tired, but I know that in a month I'll be calmer again since my classes are over and I'll have enough time to find a better job, or at least get out of this place.


El día de las fotos llegué una media hora antes a mi clase, decidí caminar mientras fumaba y escuchaba música, el aire estaba un poco frio, pero eso me gusta mucho, me llamo la atención como se escuchaban los ruidos de los pájaros, y me encontré con estos hermosos patitos jajaja, estaban los 4 juntos de un lado al otro, en mi imaginación son amigos.

On the day of the photos I arrived half an hour early to my class, I decided to walk while smoking and listening to music, the air was a little cold, but I like that a lot, I was struck by how the birds made noises, and I found these beautiful little ducks hahaha, there were all 4 together from one side to the other, in my imagination they are friends.


El pantano tiene bastantes pájaros de diferentes tamaños, hay unos que hasta dan un poco de miedo jajajaja pero en defensa de los pájaros a mí me dan miedo muchos de ellos, así que no es su culpa, me gusta mirarlos volar a una distancia prudente jajajaja, sé que no me harían nada, pero me ponen nerviosa.

The swamp has quite a few birds of different sizes, there are some that are even a little scary hahaha but in defense of the birds, many of them scare me, so it's not their fault, I like to watch them fly at a safe distance hahaha, I know they wouldn't do anything to me, but they make me nervous.


Me quede un buen rato en este lugar, simplemente viendo como los pájaros iban de un lado a otro, tan tranquilos, hasta sentí un poco de envidia por ellos jajajaja y yo acá teniendo que rendir parciales e ir a trabajar, pero lo bueno de poder desconectar en este lugar un rato es que fui a clases con más energía, y un poco más de fe, no es que todo vaya mal, solo necesito un poco de descanso entre tantas tareas y ocupaciones.

I stayed in this place for a while, just watching the birds go from one side to the other, so calm, I even felt a little envious of them hahaha and here I was having to take exams and go to work, but the good thing about being able to disconnect in this place for a while is that I went to class with more energy, and a little more faith, it's not that everything is going bad, I just need a little rest between so many tasks and occupations.


Se que todo va a estar bien en un mes, solo hay que resistir lo que falta para poder seguir adelante con todos los planes, es realmente lo único que puedo hacer, seguir adelante y cuando las cosas parezcan aplastantes salir a caminar con música me va a ayudar a relajar mi mente.

I know that everything will be fine in a month, I just have to endure what is left to be able to move forward with all the plans, it is really the only thing I can do, keep moving forward and when things seem overwhelming going out for a walk with music will help me relax my mind.


Hasta la próxima ❤️ Yowi.
See you next time ❤️ Yowi.


Group 195 (1).png

Frame 87 (1).png

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mí
All photos were taken by me


I’m happy to see you going on a walk, it really refreshes your mind. Especially if it’s a stroll down the river bed or any water body. I giggled when I came to know that birds make you a little nervous. 😬 As a wildlifer it’ll notice them from far. Mostly because I dont want to interfere with their natural environment.

Walking helps a lot, haha. I always keep a distance where neither the bird nor I feel uncomfortable.

glad you got out for a walk I have always thought walking was good for us good to know the physchologist says the same

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk

Have a good day

Yes, they highly recommend it, I have friends who were also recommended to go for a walk, it is a great activity for the body and mind, it is a pleasure to be able to share with the community :3
