#WednesdayWalk To see old friends💖💖

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


Hi beautiful people of Hive, I'm so happy to be here again with a new adventure with my friends.

I'm so exited to tell you about my Wednesday cause I saw one of my best friend's school, I had 5 years with out see her, so I was so exited to see her againg cause in 5 years many things happen and with don't talk too much cause we're alwyas working so is difficult talk for us.

She came to Venezuela on Saturday's afternoon, she wanted to give me a sorprise but another friend told me that she was here with her family, so I called her to be sure that she was here and she said that was a lie, she still in Ecuador where she live now and I was believing her, after that she told me that I was right she was here in Venezuela but she was in her family's house so we couldn't see us that day and we decided to go out together on Wednesday so I ask for a work's permission and the company said that it was right I can have a free day.

On Wednesday morning I called my sister to go with her and with my niece too, my friend invited to her sister too so, it'll be a girls day.

We decided to go to Caracas to eat something, so we went to a new place called Zeta, there we bought hamburgers, potatos with cheese and ColaCola for drink, I want to show you the food cause it was really really delicious



I never buy a meat's burger bu this time I wanted to prove something new and it was definitly a good idea, the burgas had a big pice of meat, many sauces, pickles, cheese, onion and bacon, I thought the burger was small but with the potatoes and CocaCola it was enoght to be with a full stomach hahah

The place was at free air and it was beautiful cause the wheater was with a bautiful sun and the walls and bathroom had beautiful paints so we decided take many photoes, obviously I go to show you them



And this is the bathdroom's paints



after went to eat, I had to look the Wisin y Yandel concert's tickets in another place, so we went to the mall and I finilly had my tickets for the concert, it'll be this Saturday afternoon and I'll go with my boyfriend and some friends, is rare to me look for a tickets cause I went to Alejandro Fernandez's concert and the tickets were online with a QR code but this time is different I supose that is to be sure that people bought a real ticket, I don't know but I already have my tickets😍😍


After the mall we went to buy some ice creams in our favorite place, there the ice creams are delicious, I bought a Ferrero Rochers, the ice cream had pieces of these chocolates is delicious, look it


My Wednesday was a beautiful day, I enjoyed it very much, I had no idea of the need I had to see an old friend, I really enjoyed it, we talked about everything that has happened over the last 5 years without seeing each other, our boyfriends, jobs, family and how much we have changed each one, of course he invited me to Ecuador to see how the country is and to know new things. She told me that she doesn't want to go back to Venezuela because she already has a life made there in Ecuador and she doesn't want to start again from scratch even if this is her country, that made me a little sad because I would like to have my close friend here with me to see her every day but well, everyone has to make their own life, however I am very grateful to have seen her and that our friendship is still the same as always.

She is leaving in 15 days, I hope to see her again before she leaves to continue sharing and doing fun things, she wants to visit other places in Venezuela before leaving, so I hope I can accompany her these days she will be here because in the end we do not know when we will see each other again, it has been 5 years since the last time we saw each other hahaha.

Well friends, thanks for allowing me to share another Wednesday with you, I really love to have this space to let off steam and tell you a little more about my life and of course recommend places and plans for you to do with your friends and family.

Es un chiste.png

Todo el contenido es mío y propio.
Todo el contenido es mio y me pertenece
Las fotos son mías y los Diseños los realicé en CANVA


sounds like a fun time and the food looks so good

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

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