Time is something we all could do with more of even me in retirement there never seems to be enough of it and you can never buy more of it
Of course sleep uses up so much valuable time in fact I remember seeing something recently that said the average person sleeps for 26 years in there life plus add another 7 years trying to get to sleep
Dang it really adds up I guess that is based on getting 8 hours sleep a day which I have never come close to but now getting closer some nights I get 7 hours sleep
What a beautiful area for a walk I am one who my knees let me know running was no longer a good option for me mind you I can’t blame my bad knees all on running rugby and motocross was hard in them also
But walking I find nit only good exercise for the body but great exercise and relaxation gir the mind
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
Sleep has always taken up a lot of people's time. Teenagers especially. They either run on pure adrenaline and no sleep or can sleep 20 hours straight some days. :) I guess it added up and divided accordingly.
I am sleeping more than I used to, but, less than I need to. It is about as close to the truth as I can come.
Rugby probably did more damage than the running did! That is almost a given. :) OMG Motocross too? Yes.. Running would be a treat for them! Oh, to be young and invincible again. I say that, but, would I make the same choices? Probably. Hindsight is always 20/20 - the good thing about it, yes? Walking is one of the joys that doessn't cost a thing and gives you free reward every time you go.
Thanks for hosting the #WednesdayWalk! We all love it!
Indeed rugby motocross and an accident on the confidence course in the army all did the damage far more than running ever did
But motocross and rugby indeed if I went back I would do it all again lol
But walking fir me is both exercises relaxation and to a degree meditation